Tag Archives: Captain Cold

Flashpoint: Citizen Cold #3 (Solicit and Cover)

FLASH FACT: Central City’s greatest hero’s darkest secret will be exposed.

Art and cover by SCOTT KOLINS
On sale AUGUST 10 * 3 of 3, 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US * RATED T

Thoughts: Flashpoint suggests that Citizen Cold isn’t the perfect hero he claims to be, and in fact the police suspect him of murder.

Also, the Rogues on here, for those who might not be familiar with all of them, include Fallout and Tar Pit alongside more familiar faces like Trickster, Mirror Master and Weather Wizard.

Flashpoint Hints: Grodd & Citizen Cold

DC posted more of its Flashpoint writers Q&A on Friday, including Citizen Cold writer/artist Scott Kolins and Grodd of War writer Sean Ryan.

Ryan says of Grodd of War:

Since my one-shot is about one of Flash’s greatest villains, Grodd, the conflict is what does Grodd do without his archenemy. He gets everything he’s ever wanted, but there’s no more challenges in his life. He’s got everything he wants, but he’s miserable.

When asked about his favorite Flashpoint character and a “surprise” character who “will have fans talking,” Kolins says:

I am having so much fun with Cold. Geoff and I have talked many times about how great it would be for Cold to have his own monthly series. Surprise character? Flash fans will be very interested in a mysterious masked character who plays a crucial part in the story.

As for personal stories, “It doesn’t get more personal than CITIZEN COLD. Can a hero with a bad secret fall in love?”

Check out part one, part two and part three from last week, including Scott Kolins’ Flashpoint Rogues, and go onto part four of the interview.

DC Universe Mini Mez-Itz 2 Packs: The Flash and Captain Cold

The DC Universe Mini Mez-Itz we saw at Toy Fair 2011 have finally received a release date as of this morning. October 2011 is when we can expect these guys to start hitting the shelves:


Mezco Toyz will be introducing even more characters from the DC Universe including world-famous super heroes such as Batman™, Superman™ and the Green Lantern. Look for many more characters to hit the store shelves this year!

The first series of 2 packs includes the following pairings:

Batman Beyond & Cyborg

The Flash & Captain Cold

Dr. Fate & Etrigan the Demon

Mini Mez-Itz are 2″ collectibles that are cool by design. All Mini Mez-Itz feature five points of articulation and are packaged together on a blister card!

Set includes all 6 figures!
Ships October 2011.

Devin “Flash” Johnson

Flashpoint: Can Citizen Cold stand against the Rogues? (Cover)

DC has started posting covers for July’s Flashpoint comics at The Source, each one with a “Flash Question” (as opposed to a Flash Fact.)

FLASH QUESTION: Will Central City’s greatest hero be able to stand against the Rogues?

Art and cover by SCOTT KOLINS
On sale JULY 13 • 2 of 3, 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

I guess this cover answers one question from the teaser for issue . Iris doesn’t exactly look too thrilled, does she?

Nice to see Piper back.

The closer we get to Flashpoint, the more overwhelming it gets trying to cover it. You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been sticking with the directly Flash-related and Rogues-related announcements lately. Partly it’s keeping the site focused, but a lot of it is just time.

McDonald’s Young Justice Happy Meal Promotion Starts Today!

Yes, you read correctly. McDonald’s latest Happy Meal toys will be featuring the stars of the hit new Cartoon Network series, Young Justice. Not only that but they will be featuring two characters extremely well known to fans of The Flash, Kid Flash and Captain Cold:


More pics after the jump

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