I’m back from two days (Thursday & Friday) at Comic-Con International in San Diego. Lia has been keeping you all up to date with the news and announcements, and I’ve been putting together my photo album from the event, including a lot of pics that didn’t make it to Instagram. Check out the photo gallery on Flickr, [update] or my writeup at K2R!
Tag Archives: Cosplay
Awesome Flash Cosplay Photoshoot from NYCC
Check out this awesome photoshoot of two Flash cosplayers at New York Comic Con! Jane Garrick is Ino-Elric, Wally West is Dymatex Zofur, and the photos were taken by Knightmare 6. There are 18 photos in the full set, some serious, some silly.
Both cosplayers made an impression as I was looking through Instagram and Flickr photos tagged for NYCC, and the fact that they actually met up for a shoot together is fantastic.
Photos used by permission.
Speed Force Photo Group on Flickr
I keep meaning to plug this on the blog: We’ve got a Speed Force photo pool on Flickr. Unlike Instagram, where we’re posting our own con photos, on Flickr we’re providing a space to highlight everyone’s *ahem* Flash photography. Photographers can contribute their pictures of Flash, Rogues and other speedster cosplayers, collectibles, and sightings.
It’s fun to see the variations people come up with, from costume designs and poses to photo composition. (I like to think I’m a passable photographer, but looking at some of these shots reminds me that my convention photos tend to be a lot more snapshot than art.) Update: Check out this awesome photo shoot from NYCC featuring the female Jay Garrick in this gallery and a Wally West cosplayer.
Check it out, and if you’re on Flickr yourself, feel free to join the group!
Comic-Con 2013: Flash Photography
I’m back from Comic-Con! (Yeah, I know it’s still going on.) I’ve got about 80 photos up on Flickr covering everything from cosplay to protest signs to action figures and statues to booth displays to giant inflatable Teen Titans to — I kid you not — a blimp done up as a Despicable Me minion.
Here’s a selection of Flash-related photos to get you started.
My wife spotted these three on Friday afternoon — three Flashes on casual Friday! Continue reading
Last Day of HeroesCon 2013!
Here are some quick pics from the last day of HeroesCon 2013 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Not as many Flash t-shirts today, but there was a lot going on. NOTE: Whoever saw the female Jay Garrick cosplayer on Saturday…please send along a pic if you have one, as that would be a great pic to include here. I don’t have as many pics today as I did on Friday, as I went to a couple of panels today – one with Matt Fraction and the other a Bat-panel. Still, this was a fun con and a great time. btw – our Barry Allen cosplayer from Friday did see the kind remarks on the site…thanks for sending those along. Here are the pics!
- Matt Fraction Panel
- Amanda Conner autographing books
- The Bat-panel
Flash Fans, Creators and Cosplay…and More at Day One of HeroesCon 2013
I’ve been able to get to HeroesCon for Day One…and will return for Day Three on Sunday. Here are some of the Flash fans…and some bonus pics as well. There is one pic of Marcio Takara, who filled in for a couple of issue of The Flash. Later, I got him to sign a variant cover of one of his Flash issues. And yes, that is yours truly posing with the great Neal Adams!
I enjoyed taking pics not only of the cosplayers…but anyone wearing a Flash t-shirt. btw…the Barry Allen cosplayer was amazing! Here are the pics: