Tag Archives: Cosplay

How idolizing The Flash has profoundly influenced my life (Part 2)

Today’s guest post is by Glenmarc Antonio. Read part one first.

Flash: Rebirth

Reinvigorated as if I was able to tap into the Speed Force, I went back to living normally.  I also went back into my happier self, though slowly.  As part of my personal recovery, I tried a lot of things, and was fortunate to have been successful once more.

In early 2011, a crazy idea occurred to me.  I wanted a Flash suit.  With the rise of cosplaying in local hobby events in the Philippines, I began to strongly consider suiting up in one of the local cons as the Scarlet Speedster.  A very good friend and established local cosplayer, Paolo Cordero, helped me craft my very first Flash costume.  I said I was only to wear it if he joined me as Green Lantern.  He gamely agreed, and thus JUSTICE Ph (the Philippines’ DC cosplayers group) was born.

Glenmarc Antonio as the Flash

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Fan Expo cosplay

The Terrible Top Fan Expo was held in Toronto on August 23-26 this year, and size-wise was quite possibly bigger than ever. I’ve gone every year for about a decade now, but this con was different: I cosplayed for the first time! Nobody who knows me would be surprised that I decided to go as the Top, as I’m probably the Internet’s most diehard Top fan.

I cosplayed on Saturday, which is the convention’s major cosplaying day. And to my great surprise and delight, I met a Heat Wave cosplayer! While I’ve since learned that somebody else dressed as Captain Cold in a previous year, I’ve never personally seen a Rogue at Fan Expo, so it was really great to see one during my first time. And many people seemed quite excited to see Heat Wave (Brando Lars) and I together. We also met up with a couple of Flashes and participated in a photoshoot with other people dressed as DC characters. It was a lot of fun.

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WonderCon Day 3 Photos / Steampunk Flash

Steampunk Flash
Steampunk Flash. We actually did a feature about his costume last year by the costumers who made it.

My full set of WonderCon 2012 photos are up, from Friday through Sunday. Sunday was really different than the first two days for three reasons:

  • We brought our son along (it was his first comic-con). Having a toddler with you really changes what you can do, how you get around, how quickly you can get around, etc. He had a great time looking at people and displays, and playing with demo toys.
  • We got in late and were stuck parking waaay out at Angel Stadium. (On Friday I actually parked in the convention center lot.)
  • I forgot to drink water and ended up thoroughly exhausted and dehydrated after only four hours at the con.

Seriously: Drink water. Especially if you end up eating salty food because it’s what’s available and you can eat it fast. You’re walking around for hours, and if you’re spending multiple days at a con, you can wear yourself out easily. That’s especially bad if you have a long drive home at the end.

Full convention write-up coming soon, Monday if I can make the time. [Update: it’s here, and it’s linked!]

New 52 Flash Cosplay at MegaCon

The New 52 designs have been filtering into the costuming community since they were revealed last summer. David Ngo spotted this one, the first I’ve seen featuring Jim Lee’s revised Flash design, at MegaCon this past weekend.

Chin guard? Check. Seams? Check. Gold circle around emblem? Check. V-cut boots? Check.

Now if someone can just figure out a practical way to make the seams glow…