Tag Archives: Flash

“Marathon” Review of THE FLASH S6 E10

“Marathon” THE FLASH S6 E10


Now that the CRISIS is over, we rejoin Team Flash as they hit their mid-season debut. What has changed on Earth-Prime? Plenty, if you saw the end of COIE. But, there are more surprises to be found as we see how things are going now for our favorite heroes. You will see Iris West-Allen in a whole new light (no pun intended) by the end of this episode. In fact, this may be the character’s best episode in the entire series to date. We’ll see plenty of action and danger, and at least one exit…wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS Conclusion – THIS is How a Crossover Should be Done! (Review)

Back in December 2019, we left our heroes (and one villain) at Vanishing Point, a place outside space and time. All hope seems lost, as Earth after Earth had fallen to the anti-matter wave. All we know at this point is that 7 people hold the key to restoring some part of the multiverse. But, how will they do it? Is there anything left to save? And, how do they deal with the fact that [REDACTED] used a stunt with a sharpie to replace [REDACTED] at Vanishing Point? So far, this crossover has been absolutely outstanding. How does it end? Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Rogues Reign” Part Four – Review of THE FLASH #85

Welcome back and Happy New Year! It has been unseasonably warm where I live…but not so in Central City. Captain King Cold has made this city into his own icy kingdom. Snart knows the world is doomed, but he wants the satisfaction of ruling his city as the world ends. In doing so, Cold has alienated himself from the rest of the Rogues, who are now actually helping our speedsters. Big battles are ahead…Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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A Different “Flash of Two Worlds” – Review of FLASH FORWARD #4

Wally West, the Fastest Man in the Multiverse, has been on a long journey of redemption. While dreaming (or not) of his children (stay with me here), Wally finds himself in a fight to save not one, but TWO Earths! There is a lot going on in this issue, with appearances by [REDACTED] x3.  Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Rogues Reign” Part Three – Review of THE FLASH #84

The Speed Force isn’t dead…but it IS out of control. Barry, Wallace and Avery have found a surprising ally in Lisa Snart, but can she help a Flash team that is afraid to use their speed? Things are looking bleak in the Cold Kingdom, but even if the Flashes win the world is still set to end soon. What could possibly give them any hope? Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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The Stakes Have Never Been Higher – Review of CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS Part Three

The showrunners of CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS have gone all in with every episode so far. Even so, Part Three raised the stakes even more. Worlds are dying, heroes are sacrificing themselves, and the Arrowverse has been changed forever! And no, I’m not overhyping this. CRISIS is delivering on every promise and more. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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