Tag Archives: Irredeemable

Speed Reading: “Science,” Homages, and an Atomic Banana Peel

CBR Live found themselves “Flashed” by Warner Bros. — or rather, by an advertisement for The Big Bang Theory at their studios in Burbank, California.

What Were They Thinking? uncovers the amazing science behind Jay Garrick’s origin and more Golden Age “science.”

High Five! Comics notes a pair of Flash cover homages: the latest Irredeemable’s homage to “Flash of Two Worlds” and a tale of two Flash #105s.

Mark Waid has found the Flash’s ultimate adversary: the atomic banana peel. No, I am not making this up. And neither is he.

Breaking off-topic a bit, here’s the *ahem* cerealized Blackest Night that’s been making the rounds the last few days.

Blackest Night Breakfast Cereal

Speed Reading: Iconic Covers, Crisis Preview, Evil, Maps & More

Comics Should Be Good wraps up the month of iconic covers with the Top 5 Most Iconic Barry Allen Covers.

Ain’t It Cool News has a preview of Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, the next direct-to-home video DC animated film. It’s based on a number of Earth-2/Earth-3 stories in which the Justice League goes up against their evil counterparts from another world, the Crime Syndicate. There’s a few frames of the evil Johnny Quick in the preview, sporting an entirely new costume. (Thanks to Jesse for the link.)

Speaking of evil, the “Mark Waid Was Evil” teaser turns out to be for a new series, Incorruptible, intended as the flip side to Irredeemable. This series follows a super-villain who decides to become a hero in response to the Plutonian’s fall to the dark side.

Newsarama evaluates Wednesday Comics, giving the Flash strip a B+.

Avatar Press has started a collaborative map of comic shops around the world. You can help by adding the local store where you buy your comics.

Over at my other blog, I made an amusing discovery about Wizard World Los Angeles, the Long Beach Comic-Con, and two convention centers.

Creator Catch-Up: Video, Appearances, and a Twitter War

Some linkblogging related to Flash writers and artists:

Long Beach Comic-Con announces the full guest list for their first convention, and Geoff Johns is on it.

Comic Book Resources has some video from the Earth-2 Comics grand opening a few weeks ago with Geoff Johns, Mark Waid, and others.

Ethan Van Sciver will be signing at Comic Book Etc. in Woodstock, Georgia on July 18.

Newsarama interviews Mark Waid on Irredeemable.

Speaking of Mark Waid, he and Gail Simone got into a “Twitter War” yesterday, slinging silly accusations at each other and insisting that others choose sides. It’s a funny read, and you can catch up at @GailSimone and @MarkWaid.

Update: And one more Mark Waid story that I somehow missed: in Wednesday’s Cup o’ Joe column, he tells the story of a time when he was invited out to a signing at a comic store in a Vermont town, only to arrive and discover that there was no store…just “two comics fans who had pooled their lawnmowing money to pay for a LaGuardia-to-Vermont plane ticket for their very-soon-not-to-be-favorite writer so they could meet him and own him for a day.” It’s a really surreal story, and worth the read.

Speed Reading: Rebirth Wednesday

Flash continues to take the internet by storm! I’ll stick with non-spoiler posts here (except for the preview below), and save links to people who’ve actually read it for the next round-up. Buzz on Twitter has been extremely positive so far.

Newsarama has a list of Top 10 Flash Stories as chosen by Geoff Johns, Mark Waid, and Ethan Van Sciver

DC’s new blog, The Source has a new 8-page preview of Flash:Rebirth #1 — different from the 5 pages released for New York Comic-Con.

Nerduary wonders, Do We Really Need a Flash: Rebirth?.

Another one I missed over the weekend: The Flash-back podcast previews Flash: Rebirth.

Ervin Anderson says that Batman is dead and DC is dying (hint: Batman isn’t really dead — the last few pages of Final Crisis make that clear), but that what is good about DC is “anything written by Geoff Johns.”

Newsarama plugs Mark Waid’s Irredeemable in its Best Shots Extra column.

Progressive Ruin lists this week’s “staff picks” with (naturally) some, shall we say, interesting commentary on Flash: Rebirth.

YesButNoButYes looks at this weeks’ comics and contemplates Flash: Rebirth‘s chances for success at redefining Barry Allen as the One True FlashTM.

Also This Week: Noble Causes and Irredeemable

There are a couple of other milestone releases coming out this week along with Flash: Rebirth that I’d like to highlight: The first issue of Irredeemable and the final issue of Noble Causes.

Irredeemable #1 Noble Causes #40

Noble Causes

Jay Faerber‘s series about a wealthy but dysfunctional family of super-heroes wraps up with #40. The first miniseries opened with the family’s speedster, Race Noble, being killed on his honeymoon, as the narrative focused on his non-super-powered widow Liz. Eventually they brought Race back*.

The series went through a major change last year, jumping ahead five years and dropping Race and Liz from the cast to focus more on super-heroics. The revamp wasn’t the hit they’d hoped for, and the series has been moving toward a resolution over the last few issues. CBR has a preview (beware spoilers). One of the selling points for long-term readers is the return of Race and Liz.

It seems appropriate that Noble Causes should be bringing back a speedster on the same day as Flash: Rebirth!.

I’ve really liked Noble Causes, and in fact everything I’ve read of Jay Faerber’s that he’s done at Image has been excellent. If you only know him from his disastrous run on The Titans a decade ago, it’s worth checking out some of his creator-owned stuff. The first Dynamo 5 trade is only about $10, so it’s a good place to start.

Noble Causes #40, Image Comics. Written by Jay Faerber, art by Yildiray Cinar.


Long-term Flash writer Mark Waid’s new ongoing series about what happens when the world’s greatest super-hero becomes the world’s greatest super-villain. It’s been compared to Kingdom Come and Empire. The first issue comes out tomorrow. CBR has a preview and video trailer, and Major Spoilers has an advance review.

Empire and (more recently) Potter’s Field have shown that Waid can definitely write dark when he wants to, so this looks promising.

Irredeemable #1, BOOM! Studios. Written by Mark Waid, art by Peter Krause.

*To be more precise, they brought Liz back, as she traveled to an alternate reality in which he had survived, but she had died. They wisely never mentioned this again until another storyline required it.

Mark Waid: Incredible or Irredeemable?

IrredeemableMark Waid has been in the comics news a lot this week, with two upcoming series.

Newsarama Interviews Mark Waid about his Incredibles comic, launching in March. (Coincidentally, I re-watched the film this weekend, and it definitely holds up.)

Then there’s the website and T-shirts proclaiming that Mark Waid is Evil (a sentiment with which certain *ahem* posters on the DC Message Boards would seem to agree). Robot 6 breaks the news that it’s a promo for a new ongoing series called Irredeemable, about what happens when the world’s greatest super-hero turns into the world’s greatest super-villain.

This has a “Look out, Jimmy! Superman’s turned EVIL!” rating of 10/10.