Tag Archives: Rogues

Flash March Madness at The Fastest Forum Alive!

Those who follow American college basketball’s national tournament are familiar with the term “March Madness”.  At The Fastest Forum Alive, one of their members known as Speedster has set up a 32-player bracket pitting Rogues old and new against each other, in a battle for Rogue supremacy!

The Fastest Forum Alive is a fan form that you may have seen mentioned on this site before, bringing together fans of every Flash from Jay to Barry to Wally to Bart.  Membership is and always will be free – but you are not required to be a member to vote.  Guests can vote in this event, and we look forward to Flash fans everywhere joining in.   Watch for the polls to start soon at the site!

Here is a sneak peek at the bracket – click on the pic for a larger version, and join us at http://thefastestforumalive.proboards.com for FLASH MARCH MADNESS!

flash march madness

As Gorilla Warfare Ends, We Get Ready to Go Into…Reverse! (Review of The Flash #17)

Flash #17 Final CoverThe Flash #17 gives us the conclusion of “Gorilla Warfare”, wrapping up several story threads while launching us headlong into new and uncharted waters for the New52 Barry Allen.  Gorilla Grodd has proven to be a more than able opponent for the Flash, who has needed the help of his Rogues Gallery just to stay on even footing…up to now.


Flash Vol.2: Rogues Revolution HC in August 2013 (UPDATED)

Flash vol.2: Rogues Revolution

The New 52 Flash continues to speed onto your bookshelves! Collected Editions spotted a number of upcoming DC collections yesterday, including the Amazon listings for Flash vol.2: Rogues Revolution (HC) and Flash vol.1: Move Forward (TPB). Both are listed for August 20, and if that’s not a placeholder date, that most likely means an August 14, 2013 release in comic shops.*

Here’s how the listing describes the book:

Struck by a bolt of lightning and doused in chemicals, Central City Police scientist Barry Allen was transformed into the fastest man alive. Tapping into the energy field called The Speed Force, he applies a tenacious sense of justice to protect an serve the world as The Flash!

The Flash’s Rogue’s Gallery are back–but they are more powerful than ever and they’re each looking to take down the Fastest Man Alive! Who is behind their sudden organization and why are they also after their former leader, Captain Cold? The Flash must think fast if he can outrun and survive their attack!

It doesn’t say which issues are included, but it clearly includes at least #9-12 plus the Annual. The main question is whether the #0 origin issue will be included at the end of this volume or the beginning of the next. Logically, it might make more sense to group it with “Gorilla Warfare,” though in terms of book structure, it might be better as an epilogue than a prologue. There’s certainly room for it in this one if the 160 page count is correct.

UPDATE: DC’s July/August list is up including both books. Rogues Revolution contains Flash #0, #9-12 and Flash Annual 1.

This is the first mention I can recall of the collection’s title. The issues being collected didn’t have an overarching title, and this one fits — with major changes to the Rogues, and a change in leadership — and calls back to the title of Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge.

*Amazon gets their new releases on the bookstore schedule, which is Tuesdays, so they lag 6 days behind the official release date.

Flash vs. the Rogues on sale at ComiXology

ComiXology is holding a DC Super-Villains sale with a whole bunch of digital back-issues discounted to 99 cents. This includes 8 issues of the early Silver Age Flash starring Barry Allen, and six of the early 2000s Flash starring Wally West.

The Silver Age choices are Flash #106, 106, 110, 113, 117, 125, 140, and 155, and include the first appearances of Mirror Master, Pied Piper, Trickster, Weather Wizard, Captain Boomerang and Heat Wave, as well as the first full-on Rogues team-up.

The choices for Wally West’s series are a bit odd: rather than highlighting Geoff Johns’ Rogue Profiles (five in that series, two in the Barry Allen relaunch), they simply discounted Flash #177-182. These issues feature characters ranging from well-known (Captain Cold & Gorilla Grodd) to obscure (Chunk, Fallout, Peekaboo) to not-even-a-Flash-villain (Deadline).

The choices make a bit more sense when you consider that they just happen to be the contents of two trade paperbacks: “Flash vs. the Rogues” and “Flash: Rogues.”

Also on sale: Salvation Run, which while not primarily a Rogues series does feature them prominently in several issues.

Incidentally, I recently discovered that Salvation Run was inspired loosely by an unproduced Elseworlds story co-written by George R.R. Martin — yes, that GRRM — and John Miller, in which the super-villains were exiled to another world and stayed there. The story would have taken place over decades, as the villains learned to live on the new world, fought wars, and eventually built the beginnings of a society. It sounds like it would have been awesome.

Thanks to @RedWolfArtist for alerting me to the sale.

Salvation Run #1

Media Blitz! Manapul and Buccellato, Year Two (via Newsarama)

Newsarama has posted a second part to their recent “Going West” interview with Flash team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato.  This time around, the duo discuss their plans for Gorilla Warfare and beyond, including what is in store for the Rogues and the tragic nature of the new Grodd.

Follow the jump for more on each of the Rogues, what drives them and the story behind some of the changes to Flash’s gallery of super-villains.

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Media Blitz!: Manapul and Buccellato Year in Review, Look Ahead at CBR

In addition to the solicitation and cover for issue #15, today brings a new interview with Flash scribes Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato at Comic Book Resources.  Looking back at the past year on the title, which climaxed in last month’s Flash #12 and Flash Annual #1, the duo discuss the many-faced challenges of ushering in and keeping pace with the Fastest Man Alive.

Media Blitz! features highlights from recent Flash news items. Follow the jump for personal revelations, a nuts-and-bolts look at the cast of the New 52 Flash universe and a possible timetable for the culmination of this team’s Flash run.

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