Tag Archives: Tweets

Thursday at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

  • Harvey Dent would love Cafe 222 on 2nd.
  • Anyone need a new front door?
  • In line for Bryan Lee O’Malley. #SDCC not horrendously crowded…yet.
  • Scary costume #843: bearded guy in diaper, leather vest & fur hat. Hazards of SDCC
  • Took me a few seconds to realize it, but an old man just walked by dressed as Carl from Up.
  • Aha, loud cheers a few minutes back were for Gwar
  • Not sure I’ll make it to the Geoff Johns spotlight. This line’s awfully long for this size room.
  • Oh well, at least I got to the @radiomaru spotlight. That was worth it.
  • Lunchtime sights: Ariele meets Ursula. Wonder Woman tries to cross Sails & gets stopped every 10ft for photo requests
  • *whew* made it into the room for Geoff Johns spotlight.
  • Liveblog: Geoff Johns Spotlight
  • Spent an hour or two hanging out with friends at The Field.
  • In line for Mad Science. Had no idea it would be so crowded at this hour.
  • 3 more days of walking like this I should be able to run one of those pedicabs
  • Saw a zombie reading Fahrenheit 451.
  • Overheard at SDCC: “Sigourney Weaver and my mind explode.”
  • Made it into Mad Science! 3 for 3 for Thursday!
  • Write-up: Mad Science
  • I do not understand the Free Hugs phenomenon.
  • WTF? Overheard at SDCC: “Did that one guy just say the culture of China hasn’t changed in *snicker* 50 years?!? *giggle*”
  • Sitting in a back hallway. Setting sun streaming through windows.
  • An unusually large concentration of Star Trek costumes and t-shirts coming out of this Star Trek panel at SDCC. Seems logical.
  • Uploading next batch of photos.

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Geoff Johns Spotlight at Comic-Con

2:21:11 PM: Geoff Johns & Scott Kolins are doing Blackest Night: Flash!

2:30:02 PM: “Black Lantern Billy Mays here.”

2:31:53 PM: Barry’s back for good. BN: Flash stars Barry, Wally & lots of dead Rogues. BN takes place after Rebirth

2:32:39 PM: Dex-star vs Krypto!

2:34:27 PM: How Geoff would write Batman: “I’d probably just give him a yellow ring”

2:36:21 PM: Geoff “not leaving Green Lantern anytime soon.”

2:38:53 PM: Fan: Kyle as artist good focus for GL power, so why Hal? GJ: Focus is on overcoming fear

2:39:54 PM: Cruddy twitter connection might inspire arrival of a red ring… grrr…

2:42:04 PM: Geoff on Blackest Night: of COURSE it’s violent! The dead are rising from their graves!

2:43:05 PM: Trade-waiter avoiding Blackest Night spoilers. Geoff: “Wrong panel”

2:48:18 PM: Re: movies, Geoff is concentrating on Flash right now

2:49:46 PM: Geoff on internships: most stress was lunch-got chewed out once by exec for not remembering mango salsa.

3:01:11 PM: Great story abt trashing Richard Donner’s car SPECTACULARLY as an intern! Geoff Johns

3:02:40 PM: Fan asked abt Kid Flash or expander Flash ongoings…Geoff almost answered but Eddie Berganza stopped him. “8-ball is in your favor”

3:07:42 PM: Make Flash appealing to wider audience: everyone’s caught up in speed these days. Build on that.

3:10:55 PM: What’s going on w/ Barry will become clear in Flash:Rebirth #4-5

3:20:18 PM: Fan won $40 on a bet b/c Geoff couldn’t answer a spoilery question

3:21:17 PM: Oh, NOW the phone has a good signal, after I walk out of the room

3:22:06 PM: Oh, yeah, origin of Dex-star has been planned.

Preview Night at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

  • RT @Robot6: SDCC ’09 | Mark Waid takes a turn as radio DJ on KCRW
  • In San Diego, checked into hotel. Free wifi = yay!
  • Hotel room has great view of…the roof. Whee.
  • Serious fans! RT @Robot6: SDCC ’09 | Behold the power of Twilight: More than 100 Twilight fans already are lined up.

At the Con

  • Badge pick-up took 5 minutes from arival at con. And hey, I have ANOTHER copy of Blackest Night #0!
  • Wed night: the only time you’ll see the Mrs Fields carts without a line.
  • Simple costume: walking bulletin board.
  • Huge line at Graphitti T-shirt booth for Green Lantern figures.
  • First person in Twilight line has a dome tent.
  • Not many costumes at preview night, but a few. Sitting on shuttle behind Wonder Girl & (I think) Ravager.
  • Uploading first batch of photos to Flickr account over slow hotel wifi

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Quick Thoughts: Reprints, Tropes and Cons

Some links and observations for the day.


Comics Should Be Good looks at DC Super-Stars reprints from the 1970s — including a Flash book which re-drew a Golden Age story. Hmm, I have a new blog post idea: comparing the original and redrawn versions of “Deal Me From the Bottom” and “City of Shifting Sand” from All-Flash #22 (yes, they did this twice!)

If you dare, read TV Tropes on Super Speed. (Beware, this is TV Tropes, so you run the risk of a tab explosion if you read it!)

San Diego Thoughts

Twitter has been full of people talking about flying to San Diego today, or starting long drives. Living 2-3 hours away, it’s easy for me to forget that a lot of people need a full day of travel before and after the con. I mean, I’m planning to drive down after lunch. I could do the entire con taking only 2½ days off work, but for many people, it’s a full week.

I find it highly amusing that @WizardWorld has been heavily pushing Chicago Comic-Con on Twitter today…the day before Comic-Con International. Certainly it makes perfect sense to capitalize on people thinking about cons who might not be going to this one, but might go to yours. And heck, I started getting excited about the build-up to CCI during the week before Wizard World Philadelphia and HeroesCon. It just seems funny for some reason.

Expanded from some of my Twitter posts today.

Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-07-19

  • Crazy: even though I’m disappointed w/ Flash:Rebirth at this point, I’m tempted to preorder the hardcover if $13.59 holds.
  • Last issue of Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds is on Diamond’s schedule for next week.
  • So very true: XKCD: Tab Explosion
  • Geocities users: check out OTW’s Geocities Rescue Project.
  • No escape. Latest alumni newsletter features “A Brief History of the Bowtie
  • Help John Ostrander keep his eyesight: comix4sight.com
  • RT @karlkerschl: Drawing more gorillas! I will miss all of these gorillas when Wednesday Comics is finished.
  • *sigh* DC has pushed Flash: Rebirth #4 back another week to August 12.
  • Not going to a midnight showing of Harry Potter. Not even opening night. I’ll probably catch it this weekend, though.
  • Believe it or not, Fallen Angel: Reborn is the book I’m most looking forward to getting today.
  • Bought this week: Wednesday Comics, Fallen Angel: Reborn, Farscape: D’argo’s Lament, The Unknown. Sorry, sitting #BlackestNight out for now.
  • Didn’t pick up #BlackestNight #1, but did accept the freebie Black Lantern ring. Figure I’ll come up with something to do with it.
  • Pearls B4 Swine author: digital vs print comics “an artificial distinction.” Only 2 kinds of strips: funny & not-funny.
  • Fantastic photos of lightning striking water (via @BadAstronomer)
  • Saw headline: “They killed Hawkman!” First thought was in Rocket J. Squirrel voice: “Again?”

Comic-Con International Build-Up

Be sure to also check out a month’s worth of Comic-Con Tips, which I’ve been posting daily on Twitter.

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Quick Thoughts: Wednesday Comics #2

6:18:35 PM: Batman’s story is getting more intriguing

6:19:21 PM: Kamandi makes me want to re-read Tellos.

6:20:35 PM: I love the giant splash page on Metamorpho! (And the joke about a subscription to Element Dog!)

6:23:15 PM: That’s an awful lot of typos in Teen Titans for a one page story.

6:25:43 PM: It must suck to have only one soldier to defend your capital city.

6:29:04 PM: When I think “Wonder Woman,” I always think of a talking, glowing fish for a sidekick. (Okay, maybe not.)

6:33:27 PM: Whoa, awkward moment for Barry, Iris and Barry!

6:34:26 PM: The different coloring techniques stand out more this week, too.

6:35:49 PM: I can see a paradox brewin’, though.

6:36:57 PM: Hah! “Stately Blood Manor.”

6:41:47 PM: The Demon and the Cat. Yes, Demon and the Cat. One is a burglar, the other’s a prat.

6:45:55 PM: Hey, kids! Learn Hawkman’s secret sign language! You too can join the Junior JSA!