Category Archives: Collectibles

More Flash-Related News from Toy Fair 2010!

Courtesy of (my favorite source for Action Figure news for the last few years) we have some more Flash news from Toy Fair 2010. New additions to the DC Infinite Superheroes 3.75 inch line include Rogue mainstays, Heatwave and The Trickster. The Flash in the middle looks to be Wally West upgraded with the new increased articulation. It definitely looks like the same head sculpt from the first Wally they released a few years back. Not to mention the belt converges in the middle.

And in case you missed them, Mattel also conveniently showcased previously released Brave and the Bold Action Figures, The Top and Gorilla Grodd. Both of which were included in two packs released with a different Batman figure.

Can’t wait until Heatwave, Trickster and the new Wally hit the shelves but I still need to try and track down The Top and Gorilla Grodd somehow. I just wish every version of Grodd wasn’t so darn expensive and “hard to find”. Just a little annoying.


Matty Collector posted a checklist for all the upcoming Justice League Unlimited action figures being released this year. I scrolled through it quickly and noticed a name that I hadn’t noticed in any of the pics from Toy Fair 2010 posted on the net so far: Weather Wizard! The figure is based on his appearance from the classic Superman: The Animated Series episode “Speed Demons”, which also featured the first appearance of The Flash in a race around the world with Superman.

Since I hadn’t noticed any pics I did a little searching online and came across an Ebay Auction that ended a month ago with a picture of him.

JLU Weather Wizard

I was never too pleased with the design they used for my favorite Rogue on the show but putting that aside it looks pretty solid. I will definitely be picking it up very soon. I just hope that they get cracking on making some more Flash Rogues for DC Universe Classics.

-Devin “The Flash” Johnson

Blackest Night: Blue Lantern Barry Allen Action Figure Announced

Toy Fair 2010 is upon us and with that comes some awesome DC Comics toy news. reports that DC Direct will have at least four new Blackest Night Action Figures on display at Toy Fair including Blue Lantern Barry Allen! I knew they would eventually get to him but I never thought it would be this soon. Color this toy collector extremely excited for the possibility of more Flash-oriented collectibles. And with The Flash series finally getting back on track, and with Barry being a key player in the upcoming Brightest Day there is a possibility of more fun stuff being rolled out before the end. IGN has the first pics including this one of Barry as a Blue Lantern:

This is probably the cleanest image we have of Barry in the Blue Lantern gear so far and I’m definitely digging the design. Here is hoping for more great Flash stuff.

-Devin “The Flash” Johnson

Flash-Themed Valentine’s Day Cards

I just received these in the mail yesterday; Flash-themed Valentine’s Day Cards from the 1991 TV Series! The phrases on them are a little cheesy of course, being aimed at grade schoolers, but I do dig the art on them. Especially the designs on the second set of pics. I have to apologize for the low quality on the box art scan though. In order to get a perfect scan I would have had to destroy the box and I’m not willing to do that just yet. In any case take a gander;

Happy Valentine’s Day!

-Devin “The Flash” Johnson

Justice Guild feat. The Streak on sale at 2/16

As previously reported by Kelson, in a effort to fill in the gaps of characters not yet made in the Justice League Unlimited toy line, Mattel is releasing the Justice Guild of America Set on 2/16 for sale exclusively at for $30.00.

Justice League and Justice League Unlimited devotees will remember the Justice Guild of America from the Season 1 episode “Legends”. The Justice Guild was the closest the show got to featuring the original Justice Society of America, as the creators of the show were not allowed to feature any of the original members due to the nature of the story. To that end they created several analogs that were a direct homage or in some cases a combination of characters.

The Streak was obviously based on Jay Garrick, the very first Flash (and the primary reason I’m featuring and purchasing this set). The Green Guardsman and Black Siren were Alan Scott (Green Lantern I/Sentinel) and Dinah Lance (Black Canary I). And Tom Turbine and Catman were amalgamations of the original Atom/Golden Age Superman and Batman/Wildcat respectively. Unfortunately for Batman and Wildcat fans we won’t be getting Catman, but every other member of the group is present and accounted for (well except for mascot, Ray Thompson, himself a tribute to classic comic book writer, Roy Thomas and celebrated author, Ray Bradbury).

Again, the set goes on sale at for $30.00 on 2/16 so be sure to swing by there and grab yours before they are all gone. And yes there is a limited stock.

-Devin “The Flash” Johnson

More Figures: Zoom, Streak, Chronicles

Matty Collector: The Streak (Justice Guild) action figure.Matty Collector is selling a set of Justice Guild figures, featuring the Justice Society stand-ins Green Guardsman (Green Lantern), The Streak (Flash), Black Siren (Black Canary) and Tom Turbine from the Justice League animated episode, “Legends” (via JSA Round Table).

Professor Zoom (The Reverse Flash) - JLA Classified Series 3 DC Direct Action Figure.Newsarama has pictures of DC Direct’s JLA Classified Series 3, featuring such classics as Professor Zoom (more or less; the design is sort of a hybrid between Eobard Thawne and Hunter Zolomon), Superman Red (not to be confused with Superman Blue), the Atom, and Hal Jordan (special extra-grumpy edition).

Techland has a first look at the DC Chronicles: The Flash statue. This series is “created to capture the original depictions of DC Comics’ most renowned heroes” according to the DC Direct website. So far they’ve announced Golden Age Superman, Golden Age Batman, Golden Age Wonder Woman, and Golden Age Aquaman. Naturally, the next statue is Silver Age Flash.

It’s a great statue of Barry Allen, but shouldn’t a line designed around the original versions of DC’s characters feature, well, the original version of the character?

More Speedster HeroClix: Inertia and Kid Zoom!

Wow, this is just the week for DC speedsters over at WizKids, isn’t it? Today they unveiled two new figures from the Brave and the Bold expansion set: Kid Zoom and Inertia.

Yes, two different identities of Bart Allen’s dark twin, Thaddeus Thawne. And because Thad took on the Kid Zoom identity after training under Hunter Zolomon, the two figures actually have different powers. Head over to the article for more photos, plus the cards and dials.

(Thanks to Devin “The Flash” Johnson for the link!)