Category Archives: Covers

Covers: It Can’t Be…YOU?!

As it turns out, the Flash was right. The man removing his mask in the prologue to “Chain Lightning” wasn’t who Wally thought he was at first. But Cobalt Blue certainly looked like the classic Scarlet Speedster! (Flash v.2 #144, 1999).

Interestingly enough, the series returned to the cover concept less than a year later during the Dark Flash saga, reversing the lighting, the angle…and who was doing unmasking. (Flash v.2 #154, 1999) Continue reading

Flashpoint: Grodd of War

Cover: Francis Manapul
Writer: Sean Ryan
Art: Ig Guara

“Africa belongs to him!”

Well, Grodd’s always wanted to take over the world. It sounds like in the Flashpoint timeline he’s been a bit more successful at it.

One of the one-shots announced at The Source.

Update (June 15): A lot of people are landing here today, since the book just came out. Here’s a more recent article including a link to a preview of the issue.

Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost

Straight from The Source:

Covers: Francis Manapul
Writer: Sterling Gates
Art: Oliver Nome

“Where is he? Or should we say when?”

Finally! Sterling Gates was attached as the writer for the Kid Flash series that Geoff Johns announced way back in Comic-Con 2009, the one that ended up being scrapped before launch. And Francis Manapul is of course the perfect choice for the covers. I’m not familiar with Oliver Nome, I found his DeviantArt page, including a drawing of Kid Flash.

Cover: Heat Wave in Flashpoint: Legion of Doom

Heat Wave may have been missing from the Citizen Cold cover, but the Rogue is not missing from Flashpoint. In an interesting counterpoint, both of them are facing a group of hands at the bottom of the cover. Heat Wave seems to have dealt with them a bit differently…

DC announced this title today as part of their gigantic Flashpoint Friday. It’s not clear yet whether this is the 15th miniseries or one of the one-shots (since they also announced Flashpoint: Hal Jordan), or whether DC replaced one of the previously-announced miniseries.