- Sad to see such negativity on the Flash co-feature. What, it’s not enough for Barry’s fans to win, Wally’s fans have to lose too?
- The negativity seems to be from Barry fans who don’t want Wally to have backup stories in Barry’s book.
- Thank you, @RokkKrinn! I just read Comic Bloc this morning and all 4 major Barry boosters there weighed in against it or w/reservations. in reply to RokkKrinn
- Re-reading the comments on an old post from March: Co-Features, or How To Make All Flash Fans Happy.
- To go w/Barry fans who don’t want Wally polluting their book, I’ve found Wally fans who find a backup insulting. Some ppl r never satisfied
Planetary and Delays
- I have held Planetary #27 in my hands. Only question now: Do I read it tonight, or reread the whole series first?
- Thanks for the Planetary suggestions. Think I’ll take the life’s uncertain: eat dessert first approach, read it tonight, THEN reread the series
- After waiting years for Planetary to wrap, a couple months for Flash: Rebirth seems trivial. Annoying&frustrating, but hardly infuriating.
- Funny: just realized when the previous issue of Planetary came out, BART was the Flash.
- Created a Flickr pool for Long Beach Comic Con b/c I couldn’t find one. Turns out one existed, but spelled it “Comicon.” That’s not its name
- Some cons are “Comic Con” or “Comic-Con,” others are “Comicon.” It’s like calling the pool “Long Bach Comic Con.” Who’s going to find that?
- Comic bloggers worth reading: @JohannaDC @HighFiveComics @RokkKrinn @TheNerdyBird @OnceUponAGeek @WeeklyCrisis #FollowFriday
- Realized why the Japanese name for Optimus Prime bugs me: “Convoy” implies more than one vehicle. Maybe it’s a translation issue?
- Does no one on Smallville connect Clark, the guy who wears red & blue and is always around weird stuff, with the “Red-Blue Blur?”
- Site update: Bart Allen on Smallville.
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