Category Archives: Timely

What Happened to Velocity?

Velocity #1 - ChrisCross and SnakebiteJust last week, I read and reviewed the 1996 Velocity miniseries, and re-read her 2007 Pilot Season one-shot. As you may recall, the book was one of that year’s winners, so Top Cow began preparing a new series around the character. It was originally announced for November 2008, then pushed back, and eventually canceled.

Details of the breakdown have been hazy. Artist ChrisCross left first, citing creative differences. Writer Joe Casey said the book had been lost in a shuffle of editorial firings. Now publisher Filip Sablik tells Top Cow’s side as one element in an interview about the recently-announced third round of Pilot Season:

This series is unfortunately “missing in action”. We started working on the series with the original Pilot Season writer Joe Casey with the best of intentions. We couldn’t secure original artist Kevin Maguire so we brought in ChrisCross, who was Joe’s top choice for artists and Snakebite on colors. We actually had the first entire issue complete and a script in for the second issue along with some art in progress when we ran into a disagreement in how the first story arc should proceed. Joe had a direction he wanted to go in, which we didn’t agree with and truthfully wasn’t something we felt represented Velocity (as a company owned character) [emphasis added] in the best way. We tried to work it out with Joe, but reached an impasse and everyone decided it was best if Joe walked away from the series. It’s a damn shame too, because as any publisher can tell you it’s never an easy financial decision to have an entire issue plus completed and not be able to put it out. At the end of the day though, we can’t afford to put out a comic we’re not completely happy with. We’re still looking into how best to retool Velocity and hope to be able to update the fans in the near future. Again Velocity is going to play a vital role in this summer’s Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer series and I hope she’s a character we get to revist on a solo basis in the future.

Now, obviously, everyone involved is going to want to minimize their own share of the blame, but it does seem to come down to this:

The writer and company wanted to do different things with the character, and the company won.

At first glance, it’s kind of ironic considering that Top Cow is one of the original Image studios, and was founded by artists who were tired of being told what they could and couldn’t do with the characters they worked on.

On the other hand, Cyberforce creator Mark Silvestri is still the CEO of the company. So to the extent that he shapes company policy, it’s still a matter of the character’s creator asserting control. For now, anyway. If he ever leaves Top Cow, they’ll be in a similar situation to Marvel without Stan Lee.

It does make me wonder how things will play out with all the various creator-owned characters in the long run. 70 years from now, will someone be licensing, say, The Savage Dragon from Eric Larsen’s estate the way DC is doing The Spirit?

I’m also really curious as to what Joe Casey had in mind that Top Cow didn’t want to do.

Flash Panels at Comic-Con 2009

DC has posted their panel schedule for Comic-Con International. Some panels where the Flash is likely to come up include:

Thursday, July 23rd

2:15-3:15 Spotlight on Geoff Johns
He is the mastermind behind the smash-hit, critically acclaimed Flash: Rebirth and DC’s most anticipated book of the year, Green Lantern: Blackest Night. Wondering what makes Geoff Johns tick? Don’t miss this panel hosted by Eddie Berganza, Group Editor—DCU, interviewing one of the most exciting talents in the DCU. Room 6DE

Notes: I missed this one last year because it conflicted with a Robert J. Sawyer spotlight panel. I don’t regret going to the RJS panel, but I did miss some cool stuff at this one. With luck, I can make it this year.

5:00 -6:00 JSA: The Great Society
DC’s legendary super-team enters a new era with top talent and explosive storylines in the second half of 2009! Get the inside scoop on everything JSA right here including info on the exciting spin-off title Magog and the main series Justice Society of America from the creative minds behind the franchise. Hosted by DC’s Senior Group Editor, Mike Carlin, with top talents Bill Willingham (JSA), Matt Sturges (JSA), Freddie Williams (Final Crisis Aftermath: Run), Amanda Conner (Power Girl), Jimmy Palmiotti (Power Girl) and more! Room 5AB

Friday, July 24th

3:00-4:00 DC NATION
Calling all NATION recruits! Bring your friends and hear top talent discuss where the DC NATION is heading from 2009 and beyond. Sr. VP – Executive Editor Dan DiDio hosts this exciting discussion with Ian Sattler, James Robinson, Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, and more! Join them for a VIP look into the most talked about stories and events of the summer! Room 6DE

Notes: I’ve been to DC Nation twice — once at last year’s CCI hosted by Dan DiDio, and once at this year’s WonderCon hosted by Ian Sattler. Say what you like about DiDio, but he really brings energy to the panels he hosts.

4:30-5:30 Wednesday Comics
Wednesday Comics gives a fresh twist to a grand comics tradition by reinventing the classic newspaper comics section and filling it to the brim with today’s top talent and characters! Learn all you need to know about DC’s excitingly innovative weekly 12-issue series from the title’s mastermind, DCU Editorial Art Director Mark Chiarello, and an all-star list of panelists! Believe us; you’ve never seen a panel or a project like this! Room 5AB

Notes: I’m not sure if I’ll make it to this one, but assuming the first few weeks of Wednesday Comics hold up to their promise, I’ll certainly make an effort.

Saturday, July 25th

12:45-2:00 DCU Editorial Presentation
Dan DiDio, Senior VP / Executive Editor DCU, Ian Sattler, Senior Story Editor—DCU, and countless DCU talent are gathering for a discussion that’s not to be missed. Now that Blackest Night is upon us, what lies ahead for your favorite heroes? Got a question for your favorite DCU creator? Come on by! There’s no greater gathering of top-tier creative talent! Room 6B

Notes: Generally, these are more or less DC Nation Part 1½. You get some retread from the previous day’s panel, then some new stuff, then the reader question-and-answer. I’ll have to see what this is up against.

2:15-3:15 Green Lantern: Blackest Night
The dead are rising in the DCU – who will survive when the Blank Lantern Corps attacks? This is your only chance to hear what’s coming up in Blackest Night, the most anticipated comic event of the year! Featuring all the key figures behind the biggest, coolest threat to the DCU in years! Hosted by Group Editor Eddie Berganza with Geoff Johns (Green Lantern), Pat Gleason (Green Lantern Corps) and others! Room 6QUAD

Notes: I have no idea what room 6QUAD is. Ordinarily I’d assume they meant 6CDEF, but I’ve seen 6DE listed on its own.

Sunday, July 26th

2:00–3:00 Sunday Conversation with Dan DiDio
As the con comes to a close, sit back and unwind as Dan DiDio and friends invite you to a relaxed Sunday afternoon comics discussion. Share your opinions and listen to others as some of comics’ biggest names talk about their love of all things comics. All are welcome, no RSVP required. Room 2

Notes: I’ve never been to one of these. Anyone else know what they’re like?

Geoff Johns Buys Into Earth-2…Comic Store

Earth-2 Comics in NorthridgeFlash: Rebirth writer Geoff Johns has gone into business with Los Angeles-area comic store Earth 2 Comics as co-owner of their new, second location in Northridge, California, CBR reports. The new location opened on April 29.

Geoff Johns will host the grand opening celebration on Saturday, June 13 (the week that Flash: Rebirth #3 comes out!) along with Philip Tan, Jeph Loeb, James Robinson, Sterling Gates, Zeb Wells and more.

“Earth-2” seems like an appropriate place for the writer of Infinite Crisis, Legion of Three Worlds and Justice Society of America

Read more at CBR.

Happy (belated) Birthday, Carmine Infantino!

Barry Allen ClassicLA Times’ Hero Complex has a tribute to Carmine Infantino, co-creator of the Silver Age Flash, who celebrated his 84th birthday yesterday.

I got to see the legendary artist at the 2006 Comic-Con International, where he appeared on at least two panels: a Carmine Infantino spotlight (where he mostly reminisced about his time in the comics industry) and the 50 Years of the Flash (not counting Jay Garrick) panel featuring at least half a dozen writers and artists who had worked on The Flash.

One of the stories he told at both panels was about the “war” between him and Julius Schwartz: he’d try to draw ever-more-nasty cliffhangers on his covers, and every time, Julie would come up with a story to go with it. So finally he drew one with the Flash and the Golden Age Flash both racing to save some guy, and said, “There! Top that!” The rest, of course, is history

The HeroComplex post incudes a gallery of classic Infantino covers.

Flash Signings for Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day

Saturday, May 2 is Free Comic Book Day, and comic stores around the world (okay, mostly in the US) are holding events with guests from the comics industry.  I’ve put together a list of all the Flash and Impulse-related appearances I could find:

United States


  • Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver sign at Atomic Comics in Mesa


  • Mark Waid and Marc Guggenheim sign at Collector’s Paradise in Winnetka from noon-3pm
  • Mark Guggenheim will also appear at Meltdown Comics in Los Angeles from 4-7pm.
  • Todd Nauck (Young Justice) signs at 4 Color Fantasies in Rancho Cucamonga


  • Paul Pelletier signs at Heroes Haven in Tampa


  • Greg LaRocque signs at Super Villains Comic Shop in Baltimore

New York


  • Ken Lashley (Flash: The Fastest Man Alive) signs at Comic Connection in Hamilton, Ontario


The FCBD website has a list of more creator signings on Saturday. I may have missed some Flash-related names.

Free Comic Book Day