Tag Archives: Francis Manapul

Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost – Where is he…and when? (Cover)

FLASH QUESTION: Where is he? And when? Can Hot Pursuit save him in time for Bart to help Barry?

On sale JULY 27 • 2 of 3, 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

The cover motif continues from the first issue, with Bart Allen falling toward a cityscape.

Flashpoint: Grodd of War

Cover: Francis Manapul
Writer: Sean Ryan
Art: Ig Guara

“Africa belongs to him!”

Well, Grodd’s always wanted to take over the world. It sounds like in the Flashpoint timeline he’s been a bit more successful at it.

One of the one-shots announced at The Source.

Update (June 15): A lot of people are landing here today, since the book just came out. Here’s a more recent article including a link to a preview of the issue.

Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost

Straight from The Source:

Covers: Francis Manapul
Writer: Sterling Gates
Art: Oliver Nome

“Where is he? Or should we say when?”

Finally! Sterling Gates was attached as the writer for the Kid Flash series that Geoff Johns announced way back in Comic-Con 2009, the one that ended up being scrapped before launch. And Francis Manapul is of course the perfect choice for the covers. I’m not familiar with Oliver Nome, I found his DeviantArt page, including a drawing of Kid Flash.

Preview the Superboy/Kid Flash Race

DC has released a preview of next week’s Superboy #5, featuring a race between the Boy of Steel and Kid Flash. And check out that variant cover by Francis Manapul!

Get ready for the first-ever Superboy/Kid Flash race! Bart Allen may have the speed, but Conner Kent has the power – who will win?! Meanwhile, a dangerous threat is nipping at their heels, one that may mean the end for Superboy, Kid Flash and all of Smallville!

Written by JEFF LEMIRE; Art by PIER GALLO; Cover by EDDY BARROWS & J.P. MAYER; 1:10 Variant cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL

Manapul has a double connection to this book: Before taking over as the regular artist on The Flash, he also teamed with Geoff Johns for a short run on Adventure Comics starring Superboy.

You can read the preview at The Source or at Comic Book Resources.

Quick Links: Artist Interviews — Andy Kubert on Flashpoint, Francis Manapul on Flash

Two recent interviews with Flash artists:

The Source posted a Q&A with Andy Kubert focusing on his work on Flashpoint. He doesn’t reveal anything about the story, but talks about the process of working with Geoff Johns, redesigning characters, and being sworn to secrecy on a project that everyone knows he’s working on.

Ain’t It Cool News’ Johnny Destructo interviewed Francis Manapul. He talks about how he got into comics, how he ended up working on Adventure Comics and The Flash (interestingly, it seems that someone else was going to draw The Flash, but backed out), his art process, pacing, Central City, and de-aging Iris.

Flash #10 Cover Revised

Over at The Source, DC unveiled five new covers, mostly variants, plus the main cover for The Flash #10. Not surprisingly, it’s the Francis Manapul piece originally scheduled for Flash #9 before they moved up the theme cover originally planned for #10.

DC posted Yildiray Cinar’s Flash #10 variant earlier this month. The issue is currently scheduled for March 23.