Tag Archives: Francis Manapul

You Can Now Subscribe or Pre-Order Flash: Season Zero

Flash Season Zero VariantComiXology now has the digital-first comic Flash: Season Zero in its catalog. The first issue, scheduled for September 8, is available for pre-order, and the series is available for subscription.

And hey…that art style looks familiar, doesn’t it? We know previous Flash artist/writer Francis Manapul is doing a variant cover for #1, so chances are this is part of that cover.

(Hat tip to FlashFans.org)

SpeedForce & TMStash Interview Manapul & Buccellato On Their Move From Flash to Detective!

Flash to Detective LogosWe recently had the honor of interviewing Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato, the acclaimed creative team behind “The Flash”, as they prepare to move from “Flash” to “Detective Comics”.   We get their thoughts on the move, along with the themes they will be taking with their run on the World’s Greatest Detective.

As for why this is on TWO sites?  I regularly contribute reviews of “Flash” related titles to SpeedForce, the premiere Flash fan site on the internet.  And, I regularly review other DC and Indie titles at TMStash, the place for Comics, Movies, TV, Gaming, Tech News and more.  This transition from “Flash” to “Detective Comics” cuts across both sites…and that means it only makes sense to publish the full review on both sites!  Now, let’s get to the Q&A!

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Media Blitz! Manapul and Buccellato Talk Barry & Iris, Gem Cities, Detective

As their three-year artistic, two years everything, Flash run comes to a close, Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato have begun the transition into their new Gotham digs over in Detective Comics.  Yesterday, as part of an interview with Newsarama and a post over at DC HQ, details continued to emerge on the team’s final act.


First, here is a plot summary and preview page (above) from Flash #25 via DC Comics:

In THE FLASH #25, you’ll meet a young Barry Allen before he’s realized his full potential as the Scarlet Speedster. A recent graduate from the Police Academy, Barry finds himself partnered with Harvey Bullock in Gotham City when he volunteers to go help the city deal with the chaos brought on by the events of “Zero Year.” But Harvey is not thrilled with working with someone so young and inexperienced, leaving Barry to team up with Gotham Gazette intern Iris West to help solve the case of a mysterious drug appearing on the streets of the city that is causing people to spontaneously burst into flames. And it’s in this first meeting between Barry and Iris that the “will they or won’t they” tension is introduced to their relationship.
For more on Barry-in-Gotham, the Gem Cities and run reflections from the creative team, follow the jump!

Reverse-Flash’s Final Stand! Review of The Flash #24

Flash #24The New 52 version of the Reverse-Flash has proven to be as powerful a villain as Barry Allen has ever faced.  Daniel West has gained enough Speed Force energy to finally go back in time to “set things right”…by killing his father!  Can Barry stop him, or will Daniel add one more murder to his list of Speed Force-related victims?  That’s where we pick back up in The Flash !


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