And one more item to round out the afternoon of catching up. I’d prefer something a little more solid, but this is clearly going to get people talking whether I post it or not, so here goes….
Update (Sep 13): Geoff Johns has confirmed on Twitter that the book is Flash, not All-Flash:
Have no idea where Wizard got that. We’re launching THE FLASH #1 and KID FLASH #1 after BLACKEST NIGHT: FLASH. π
Yesterday, Comic Bloc user darylwing1 posted a scan from an issue of Wizard. It looks like a sidebar, and features the following statement:
Flash: Rebirth
Barry Allen’s comeback mini ends in September followed up by Blackest Night: Flash, both leading to Johns’ new ongoing Flash title starring Allen and Wally West, All Flash.
Ethan Kaye
(Ethan Kaye writes for Wizard.)
There’s also a picture of the Kent family captioned, “Johns explores Supes’ early days in Origins.”
Comparing Sources
So, first: I don’t know what issue of Wizard this is in. I’m not familiar with darylwing1, but his posting history looks solid, so I see no reason to doubt the scan itself. As for the statement itself, it still lists Rebirth ending in September (which, we know now, isn’t happening). It also refers to Superman: Secret Origin as Origins. And DC’s announcement of Francis Manapul as artist mentions “Flash #1.”
So I’m not convinced that it’s accurate.
Another thing to consider: Continue reading