Tag Archives: Iris West

Media Blitz!: Flash Team Talks Shop with Word Balloon, Comic Vine, The MiXXTapes

On the road to today’s release of Flash , the creative team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato has been making the interview rounds.  Here’s a roundup of the past few days, covering their appearances in multiple outlets.

First up, Manapul stopped by iFanboy’s Word Balloon podcast to talk about his work on the title, include the nature of his collaboration with Buccellato.  From the description:

Artist/writer Francis Manapul is back to tell us what’s been happening in the pages of The Flash for DC Comics. We talk about his unique art choices to display the hero’s super speed, and the Flash’s point of view when faced with the choices of how to stop a crime or disaster from happening.

More after the jump!

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New Flash #7 Cover Revealed!

The Source has posted the new cover to Flash , featuring Captain Cold.  The solicit still features the cover to issue #6, which was originally intended to be but was bumped up.  A time-hopping CSI story originally intended for #6 was scrapped in favor of moving up the New 52 debut of the Man Who Mastered Absolute Zero.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, the post focuses on the love triangle that has been on display since the last issues of the pre-Flashpoint series. Editor Brian Cunningham poses some rhetorical questions about the relationship between Barry and Patty, with Iris on the outside (for now).

The fun part is building a love triangle where no one knows how the heck it’ll turn out. For now, Barry’s happily dating Patty…and it might stay that way for a while, with Iris outta luck waiting in the wings. Will Barry someday succumb to Iris’s charms and brassy style, making for a difficult time at work with Patty shooting daggers with her eyes?

Maybe…maybe not. Keep reading to find out. In fact, the cover to FLASH shown below is probably an apt metaphor for our hero with Patty on the left, and Iris on the right.

Happy Valentine’s Day, speed-readers!

His Love Life Will Change — In a Flash!

We’ve known since Comic-Con that the New 52 reboot would retroactively break up Barry and Iris Allen (and I had some fun with the phrasing the other day). Today, as discussed at Robot 6, DC formally announced the breakup at The Source, and revealed who Barry will be dating in at the beginning of the new series. Continue reading

Review: Citizen Cold #3

Citizen Cold marks the end of the limited series, and while I definitely enjoyed it overall, it ended pretty much as expected. Given the nature of Flashpoint, this was probably inevitable, but it’s still a slight disappointment considering how much promise the series started with. More details and spoilers after the cut.

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The Zoom Room: Flash #237, “The Thousand-Year Separation!”

Welcome back to the Zoom Room, where we break down classic stories featuring Professor Zoom, the Reverse-Flash!

After last week’s look at Flash #186, we’re jumping forward to Flash #237 and “The Thousand-Year Separation!”, a Tale of the Multiverse by Cary Bates, Irv Novick and Frank McLaughlin.  It is the conclusion of a three-part story featuring Jay Garrick, Doctor Fate, and a desperate search for Iris Allen.  Links to artwork and research are included throughout this post.  For previous annotations, click here!

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