Tag Archives: SDCC

Yomiko and the Flash

Yomiko and the Flash, originally uploaded by Kelson.

Here’s me with my wife at Comic-Con International today, dressed as Yomiko Readman (a.k.a. The Paper) from the anime Read or Die and Jay Garrick, the Golden Age Flash!

The hat is a paper mache base with model magic over it, then spray paint and varnish. Katie volunteered to make it for me and it came out great! Sometime next week she’ll make a guest post about how the various costume pieces are constructed, so keep an eye out!

Update: The making-of posts are up!

More photos in my Comic-Con 2009 set.

DC Nation at Comic-Con

3:06:09 PM: Posing for photo w/ Liberty Belle&Stargirl. Dan Didio walks up: “I hate to do this to the Flash, but I need the ladies.” [Edit: here’s a picture with the same people from earlier in line.]

3:10:21 PM: Huge applause for Geoff Johns

3:11:21 PM: Plush Dex-Starr red kitty of rage [Edit: Dex-Starr was brought by The Nerdy Bird]

3:13:05 PM: Full of rage because of crappy con food! [Edit: DD came out wearing about 10 layers of T-shirts, including all the Lantern Corps, and asked the audience to shout out why they should get the red lantern shirt, the orange lantern shirt (“I want that shirt!” was the winner there), etc.]

3:21:03 PM: Fan: like seeing characters reacting to other chars’ deaths.

3:23:53 PM: DD: What did you like abt LO3W5? Fan: it finally came out.

3:26:47 PM: JR: JLA Cry for Justice will have major implications for JLA & America

3:30:51 PM: Black Lantern Billy Mays asks about Damian, West kids, etc. as new gen of heroes. DD says they’re really trying to work in new chars

3:32:17 PM: Fan: Will there be white lanterns who show up and save the day? Other fan: why does it always have to be black vs white?

3:33:27 PM: Let Hourman ask his question, he’s running out of time!

3:38:21 PM: Dancing Sinestro?!?

3:40:24 PM: The bit about new chars earlier includes, ex. the rainbow lantern corps, the New Krypton chars, etc.

3:42:47 PM: Ambush Bug – “We got so awesome that we ran out of things to make fun of” Ian Sattler. DD real answer: too busy, in the works

3:44:46 PM: Geoff Johns: it’s not a trinity, it’s a pentagram (Supes, Bats, WW, GL, Flash)

3:45:57 PM: DD: Kids’ books have to read as kids’ books, not what adults remember from 60s

3:47:26 PM: GJ: will explore time, nature of Speed Force, all speedsters & what’s beyond in Flash:Rebirth

3:48:48 PM: Ravager asks: w/o Trigon, what’s Raven’s role? DD: will be involved in TEEN Titans

3:49:46 PM: GJ: Blackest Night: Flash will explain Captain Boomerang Jr

3:51:02 PM: GJ: entire story of Flash: Rebirth is in the Flash Museum at the beginning

3:53:44 PM: #BlackestNight 3: who do you want to come back? Ted Kord, Pa Kent, Max Lord…Jesus…Michael Jackson…

3:55:03 PM: And that’s it!

Thursday at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

  • Harvey Dent would love Cafe 222 on 2nd.
  • Anyone need a new front door?
  • In line for Bryan Lee O’Malley. #SDCC not horrendously crowded…yet.
  • Scary costume #843: bearded guy in diaper, leather vest & fur hat. Hazards of SDCC
  • Took me a few seconds to realize it, but an old man just walked by dressed as Carl from Up.
  • Aha, loud cheers a few minutes back were for Gwar
  • Not sure I’ll make it to the Geoff Johns spotlight. This line’s awfully long for this size room.
  • Oh well, at least I got to the @radiomaru spotlight. That was worth it.
  • Lunchtime sights: Ariele meets Ursula. Wonder Woman tries to cross Sails & gets stopped every 10ft for photo requests
  • *whew* made it into the room for Geoff Johns spotlight.
  • Liveblog: Geoff Johns Spotlight
  • Spent an hour or two hanging out with friends at The Field.
  • In line for Mad Science. Had no idea it would be so crowded at this hour.
  • 3 more days of walking like this I should be able to run one of those pedicabs
  • Saw a zombie reading Fahrenheit 451.
  • Overheard at SDCC: “Sigourney Weaver and my mind explode.”
  • Made it into Mad Science! 3 for 3 for Thursday!
  • Write-up: Mad Science
  • I do not understand the Free Hugs phenomenon.
  • WTF? Overheard at SDCC: “Did that one guy just say the culture of China hasn’t changed in *snicker* 50 years?!? *giggle*”
  • Sitting in a back hallway. Setting sun streaming through windows.
  • An unusually large concentration of Star Trek costumes and t-shirts coming out of this Star Trek panel at SDCC. Seems logical.
  • Uploading next batch of photos.

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Geoff Johns Spotlight at Comic-Con

2:21:11 PM: Geoff Johns & Scott Kolins are doing Blackest Night: Flash!

2:30:02 PM: “Black Lantern Billy Mays here.”

2:31:53 PM: Barry’s back for good. BN: Flash stars Barry, Wally & lots of dead Rogues. BN takes place after Rebirth

2:32:39 PM: Dex-star vs Krypto!

2:34:27 PM: How Geoff would write Batman: “I’d probably just give him a yellow ring”

2:36:21 PM: Geoff “not leaving Green Lantern anytime soon.”

2:38:53 PM: Fan: Kyle as artist good focus for GL power, so why Hal? GJ: Focus is on overcoming fear

2:39:54 PM: Cruddy twitter connection might inspire arrival of a red ring… grrr…

2:42:04 PM: Geoff on Blackest Night: of COURSE it’s violent! The dead are rising from their graves!

2:43:05 PM: Trade-waiter avoiding Blackest Night spoilers. Geoff: “Wrong panel”

2:48:18 PM: Re: movies, Geoff is concentrating on Flash right now

2:49:46 PM: Geoff on internships: most stress was lunch-got chewed out once by exec for not remembering mango salsa.

3:01:11 PM: Great story abt trashing Richard Donner’s car SPECTACULARLY as an intern! Geoff Johns

3:02:40 PM: Fan asked abt Kid Flash or expander Flash ongoings…Geoff almost answered but Eddie Berganza stopped him. “8-ball is in your favor”

3:07:42 PM: Make Flash appealing to wider audience: everyone’s caught up in speed these days. Build on that.

3:10:55 PM: What’s going on w/ Barry will become clear in Flash:Rebirth -5

3:20:18 PM: Fan won $40 on a bet b/c Geoff couldn’t answer a spoilery question

3:21:17 PM: Oh, NOW the phone has a good signal, after I walk out of the room

3:22:06 PM: Oh, yeah, origin of Dex-star has been planned.

Preview Night at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

  • RT @Robot6: SDCC ’09 | Mark Waid takes a turn as radio DJ on KCRW
  • In San Diego, checked into hotel. Free wifi = yay!
  • Hotel room has great view of…the roof. Whee.
  • Serious fans! RT @Robot6: SDCC ’09 | Behold the power of Twilight: More than 100 Twilight fans already are lined up.

At the Con

  • Badge pick-up took 5 minutes from arival at con. And hey, I have ANOTHER copy of Blackest Night !
  • Wed night: the only time you’ll see the Mrs Fields carts without a line.
  • Simple costume: walking bulletin board.
  • Huge line at Graphitti T-shirt booth for Green Lantern figures.
  • First person in Twilight line has a dome tent.
  • Not many costumes at preview night, but a few. Sitting on shuttle behind Wonder Girl & (I think) Ravager.
  • Uploading first batch of photos to Flickr account over slow hotel wifi

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