Tag Archives: Tweets

Fake Flashpoint Teasers

Inspired by last week’s one-line Flashpoint teasers, @Speedstersite started posting jokes marked #FakeFLASHPOINTTeaser on Twitter. Others joined in.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • SpeedsterSite: Turns out, hard water is just ice, nothing more.
  • SpeedsterSite: He absolutely refused to see Zorro that night
  • collecteditions: No one escaped the Manhunters.
  • collecteditions: He never much liked fish; she never much liked Curry.
  • collecteditions: The Graysons never worked without a net.
  • ryanoneil: Jor-El wasn’t actually a rocket scientist.
  • DougG_ATL: Hippolyta is a terrible sculptor
  • DougG_ATL: Superboy Prime, try this Xanax.
  • TheLastIslander: Bart Allen is secretly the time trapper. (More of a fake spoiler than a fake teaser, but at this point, who hasn’t been the Time Trapper?)
  • BlueTyson This story is actually good! (Ouch!)
  • JCorduroy Greedo shot first. (So that explains it!)

My own humble contributions:

  • He never lost his eye.
  • He would’ve gotten away with it, if it weren’t for those darn kids.
  • They caught the radioactive spider before it could bite anyone.
  • Nephew? What nephew?

You can find the rest on Twitter at the #FakeFLASHPOINTTeaser tag.

But Twitter isn’t the only place people were doing this. Over at the CBR forums, posters were making their own banners in the same spirit.

Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-12-06

  • Somehow I don’t think this guy is taking the Renaissance Faire entirely seriously.
  • Odd: I saw the typo “Batman: Unsenn” and my brain decided it was a misspelling of Unsinn, German for Nonsense, rather than Unseen.
  • Wow, these sales figures for DC are depressing.
  • FlashForward continues to take 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Ah, well. Better than the other way around.
  • Blackest Night: Flash – @GeoffJohns0 says: “Zombie gorillas are hard to beat, but next issue has something even better.”
  • Remember that Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody video? They’re official at @MuppetsStudio #FollowFriday
  • Ack! Just saw someone use “pre-Crisis” to refer to pre-INFINITE Crisis! I need a lawn ASAP so I can start yelling at kids to stay off it!
  • Archive binges were a lot easier when webcomics hadn’t been around so long…
  • FlashForward TV schedule explained.

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Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-11-29

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Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-11-22 (Flash: Rebirth #5 Week)

Flash: Rebirth

  • Now that we know for sure Flash: Rebirth will arrive Wednesday, people are searching for Flash: Rebirth #6. (Still Dec. 23.) (Monday)
  • The more I think about it, I’m not sure Wally’s new costume will appear tomorrow. In the middle of a battle? Doesn’t seem like a priority. (Tuesday)
  • That said, both the classic Kid Flash costume and first appearance of the Speed Force costume were roughly instantaneous, so who knows?
  • Sometimes, living in the westernmost timezone in the continental US is annoying. My local comic store isn’t even open yet. (Wednesday)
  • Could be worse. I could be in Alaska or Hawaii. (Not that I’d mind *being* in Hawaii.) Or some other country that has to wait for imports.
  • OK. Comic store opens at 11, and I’m taking lunch early. I should probably grab a snack for mid-afternoon.
  • Yes, Flash: Rebirth #5 is really out! Also bought: Farscape, Dr. Horrible.
  • Another week ends without new delays. Flash: Rebirth #6 is still listed for Dec. 23 on DC’s website. (Friday)

Movies and TV

  • Listening to Dark City soundtrack while scanning a roll of old photos. Just picked up a photo of the sign for Shell Beach.
  • New Global Frequency adaptation? Could be cool. The nifty phones (outpaced by the iPhone) were never the point anyway.
  • The real question is, can they still get Michelle Forbes to play Miranda Zero?
  • Watching Red Sonja. Why is there Kryptonite in this movie?
  • Hey look, it’s not-Conan! But I think they filmed a scene for Conan the Destroyer in the same spot.

Also, check out the Star Wars Band Names meme from Saturday.

Other Stuff

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Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-10-25

  • Ha! Next week’s shipping list includes “AMBUSH BUG YEAR NONE #7 (OF 6)”
  • And Ignition City concludes next week!
  • Random facts: Biggest category on Speed Force is Flash News. Smallest is Covers. Second-biggest: General.
  • Top 5 tags are Rebirth, Geoff Johns, Linkblogging, Barry Allen, and Wally West. Bottom of the list? ~200 tags used only once each.
  • Ugh. SciFiWire comment sections. It’s like someone took the worst of Slashdot, Newsarama & the DC Message Boards set them loose. (Okay, maybe not Slashdot)
  • Kid Flash vs Mirror Master story in DCU Halloween Special. (This means I have 3 Halloween specials to read: DC, Vertigo & Perhapanauts.)
  • RT @GeoffJohns0: Ethan did an amazing job on Wally West’s new uniform…Very clean, very familiar, yet unique!
  • BN:Flash variant? RT @GeoffJohns0: And for everyone dying to see @FrancisManapul‘s first official piece on THE FLASH…we’ll see it soon.
  • Didn’t notice when I skimmed the TOC yesterday: DCU Halloween Special also has a Flash/Superman race.
  • This should make a number of fans happy: Retweeting @GeoffJohns0: I cannot believe how fast Scott Kolins is. Like lightning.
  • Retweeting @KelsonV: And the award for Most Disturbing Use of an Alarm Clock in a Prime Time Show goes to… FlashForward!
  • RT @GeoffJohns0: “Society” episode of SMALLVILLE is actually an insane DCU infused two-part epic. Part 1 is “Society” & Part 2 is “Legends.”
  • Huh. Mirror Master doesn’t like Bloody Mary. Who knew?
  • Flash/Kid Flash creative team: @GeoffJohns0 @SterlingGates @FrancisManapul #FollowFriday
  • So we had Barry & Blackhawk in the Battle of the Bulge in Brave & the Bold…

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Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-10-11


  • Sad to see such negativity on the Flash co-feature. What, it’s not enough for Barry’s fans to win, Wally’s fans have to lose too?
  • The negativity seems to be from Barry fans who don’t want Wally to have backup stories in Barry’s book.
  • Thank you, @RokkKrinn! I just read Comic Bloc this morning and all 4 major Barry boosters there weighed in against it or w/reservations. in reply to RokkKrinn
  • Re-reading the comments on an old post from March: Co-Features, or How To Make All Flash Fans Happy.
  • To go w/Barry fans who don’t want Wally polluting their book, I’ve found Wally fans who find a backup insulting. Some ppl r never satisfied

Planetary and Delays

  • I have held Planetary #27 in my hands. Only question now: Do I read it tonight, or reread the whole series first?
  • Thanks for the Planetary suggestions. Think I’ll take the life’s uncertain: eat dessert first approach, read it tonight, THEN reread the series
  • After waiting years for Planetary to wrap, a couple months for Flash: Rebirth seems trivial. Annoying&frustrating, but hardly infuriating.
  • Funny: just realized when the previous issue of Planetary came out, BART was the Flash.


  • Created a Flickr pool for Long Beach Comic Con b/c I couldn’t find one. Turns out one existed, but spelled it “Comicon.” That’s not its name
  • Some cons are “Comic Con” or “Comic-Con,” others are “Comicon.” It’s like calling the pool “Long Bach Comic Con.” Who’s going to find that?
  • Comic bloggers worth reading: @JohannaDC @HighFiveComics @RokkKrinn @TheNerdyBird @OnceUponAGeek @WeeklyCrisis #FollowFriday
  • Realized why the Japanese name for Optimus Prime bugs me: “Convoy” implies more than one vehicle. Maybe it’s a translation issue?
  • Does no one on Smallville connect Clark, the guy who wears red & blue and is always around weird stuff, with the “Red-Blue Blur?”
  • Site update: Bart Allen on Smallville.

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