Tag Archives: Tweets

Failed Event Comics

I’m not entirely sure who started it, but on Friday morning a lot of comics fans and pros on Twitter were posting joke titles with the #failedeventcomics tag. Here are my contributions.

  • Zero Power
  • The Dark Knight Strikes Out
  • Sinestro Corp Store
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths II: Crisis Harder
  • Violins United
  • Vibe: Rebirth
  • Retweet @CapnCarrot: Transformers Disassembled
  • Archie vs. Predator
  • Infinity Ganthet
  • Rain of the Soup, Man!
  • War of the Dogs

Sunday at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

  • Retweeting @GreatWhiteSnark: RT @slashfilm: A real life light cycle in Flynn’s Arcade.
  • RT @SpeedsterSite: OH NO! The Flash: Rebirth #4 pushed back again! Set to release August 26th.
  • Retweeting @SpeedsterSite: RT: @CBR CCI: Geoff Johns on “All Flash”
  • Slept in today. Just got to the floor and I’d swear it’s more crowded than Saturday. Weird.
  • Oh, good, Mark Waid has a line today.
  • OMG Nichelle Nichols!
  • Scored a copy of the Flash:Rebirth #3 Variant! Wish I’d remembered to look BEFORE yesterday’s Geoff Johns signing, though
  • Overheard on return to convention center: “Air conditioning! Woo hoo!”
  • Creepy couple costume: Comedian & battered Silk Spectre from Watchmen. Just saw them pose for a photo w/him hitting her. Messed up.
  • Home from SDCC! Will post today’s pics (w/ decent bandwidth finally!) & unpack a bit, then sleep.

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Saturday at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

  • All right! Friday’s photos actually uploaded overnight!
  • Just walked up to Mark Waid for autograph at Boom booth, no line. How times change.
  • Had no idea Leonard Nimoy & Brent Spiner were going to be here.
  • Took a trip thru Artists alley, then rushed 3/4 of the exhbit hall to DC booth. Forgot how far it was.
  • Saw Harley Quinn skipping merrily along. With a gun, of course.
  • Got a great Madame Xanadu sketch by Amy Hadley & Richard Friend! #Vertigo
  • Batgirl, Harley Quinn & Power Girl @ DC booth
  • Dark Reign Panel: “How do you want Norman Osborn taken down?” Kid dressed as Vision: “Honestly? Howard the Duck.” *applause* “Or Deadpool.”
  • Today is trade-off day. Couldn’t choose btw Quick Draw & Sheldon Moldoff, skipped both to do Madame Xanadu
  • Black Lantern Captain America!
  • Liveblogging DC Universe Panel
  • Thought my legs were shaking. Understandable for 3rd day of con. Turned out to be the floor.
  • Could really use Google Maps for con floor. Search by booth name, get directions. At least the pull-out map shows major booths.
  • Whoa. Saw a Princess Leia who was fully clothed.
  • Fought thru G4 crowd to get Coraline exclusive figure at next booth over.
  • All right!!! RT @Robot6 Gail Simone’s Welcome to Tranquility will return at Wildstorm
  • Ran into a 3rd Jay Garrick a few minutes back. Most years I don’t see any Flashes at all!
  • Newsarama covers DCU panel
  • Whew! Made it through Geoff Johns signing. Going to try for PAD and Bryan Lee O’Malley, then call it a day.
  • 4 signings, 1 panel, caught 4 artists/writers at booths/artists’ alley. Feet ready to fall off. Done for the day
  • Those searchlights should have the Bat Signal

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DC Universe at Comic-Con: Big Flash News UPDATED

AARGH! Liveblogging failed. Lots on Twitter. BIG news: Geoff Johns on Flash ongoing after Blackest Night: Flash, Sterling Gates on Kid Flash ongoing.

Update: Now that the day’s tweets have been imported, here’s my full running commentary on the panel.

  • Inkpot award to Bob Wayne
  • SDCC is like “longest Thanksgiving dinner ever” – con staffer
  • Flash:Rebirth – bunch of Flashes behind him on final cover
  • Some costume changes & a new speedster by end of Flash:Rebirth
  • Sounded like Flash ongoing starts after Blackest Night:Flash. They’re all Geoff Johns-written.
  • Troia, Batman, Hal &…Monel w/ S symbol In JLA.
  • Good Dr. Light vs Black Lantern evil Dr. Light
  • Guessing Batgirl’s ID: Stephanie Brown? DD: “No spoilers here.”
  • DCU panel info is coming fast & furious – hard to keep up
  • Titans’ new leader…let’s just say it’s not Wally as rumored on ComicBloc.
  • GS: WW to renounce Amazons & become more of a super-hero than ever
  • Sterling Gates on Kid Flash series!
  • Rainbow Raider will be a Black Lantern. GJ: “I guess he’ll be the Black & White Raider.”
  • C’mon, random fanboy…wait till you see the new writer’s work before begging Geoff to come back to Teen Titans.
  • Question cosplayer at mike: “I have a question…”
  • DD on renumbering books that have been relaunched: content more important than number on cover, low numbers may bring in more new readers.
  • Geoff Johns: artist lined up for Flash ongoing, can’t talk about it yet. [Edit: GJ adds that he can only say the artist is “awesome.”]
  • Fan requests a Snapper Carr & Jimmy Olsen team-up in Brave & the Bold.

See Also: Comic-Con 2009 Complete Index

Friday at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

Around the Con

  • Apparently the secret to uploading photos in this hotel is to wait until 6am when there’s no competition.
  • The fastest man alive…stuck in traffic.
  • Saw Michael Jackson.
  • Lots of *ahem* Flash photography today
  • Morning shaping up well. Got lassoed into DC costume photoshoot, got 3D photo w/wife (also in costume) & made it into Coraline room
  • Haven’t been to a con in costume since 2003, and then it was Riff from Sluggy Freelance. Not terribly recognizable.
  • But showing up as the Jay Garrick Flash? That stands out!
  • *sigh* someone just said “excuse me, Flash Gordon.”
  • In last hour or so have posed with Captain Hammer, Catwoman, Liberty Belle and Stargirl. Now in line for DC Nation.
  • Hah! Just ran into a JSA group w/ another Jay Garrick!
  • Insta-mob just formed around Olivia Munn (?) As she headed to the panelist entrance.
  • Another insta-mob as Robert Rodriguez left panel.
  • Just saw a Geonosis Padme with a little girl dressed as Princess Leia from A New Hope

Panels: Coraline, Flash Forward, DC Nation

  • Coraline making-of w/Selik, Gaiman, animators & cast.Selik wants to do stop-motion Sandman, Neil wishes him luck w/WB
  • Forgot there was actually a Flash connection w/ Flash Forward: Marc Guggenheim & David S Goyer.
  • They just showed the 1st 2 acts of the Flashforward pilot and it’s AWESOME!
  • Dominic Monaghan confirmed for Flashforward. And he’s here.
  • Liveblogging DC Nation


  • Cleaned up after day in costume, back at hotel restaurant. Planning to return for “Worst Cartoons Ever”
  • Awesome! RT @Robot6 SDCC ’09 | Scott Pilgrim video game is on the way.
  • Missed shuttle by 10 sec, chased, locked out. Ran, walked, jogged 1+ miles & took a pedicab. Chain broke. Made it w/5min to spare
  • Worst Cartoons Ever: mix of poorly-done, or trippy crack, or seriously offensive WTF-were-they-thinking cartoons from the 50s&60s

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DC Nation at Comic-Con

3:06:09 PM: Posing for photo w/ Liberty Belle&Stargirl. Dan Didio walks up: “I hate to do this to the Flash, but I need the ladies.” [Edit: here’s a picture with the same people from earlier in line.]

3:10:21 PM: Huge applause for Geoff Johns

3:11:21 PM: Plush Dex-Starr red kitty of rage [Edit: Dex-Starr was brought by The Nerdy Bird]

3:13:05 PM: Full of rage because of crappy con food! [Edit: DD came out wearing about 10 layers of T-shirts, including all the Lantern Corps, and asked the audience to shout out why they should get the red lantern shirt, the orange lantern shirt (“I want that shirt!” was the winner there), etc.]

3:21:03 PM: Fan: like seeing characters reacting to other chars’ deaths.

3:23:53 PM: DD: What did you like abt LO3W5? Fan: it finally came out.

3:26:47 PM: JR: JLA Cry for Justice will have major implications for JLA & America

3:30:51 PM: Black Lantern Billy Mays asks about Damian, West kids, etc. as new gen of heroes. DD says they’re really trying to work in new chars

3:32:17 PM: Fan: Will there be white lanterns who show up and save the day? Other fan: why does it always have to be black vs white?

3:33:27 PM: Let Hourman ask his question, he’s running out of time!

3:38:21 PM: Dancing Sinestro?!?

3:40:24 PM: The bit about new chars earlier includes, ex. the rainbow lantern corps, the New Krypton chars, etc.

3:42:47 PM: Ambush Bug #6 – “We got so awesome that we ran out of things to make fun of” Ian Sattler. DD real answer: too busy, in the works

3:44:46 PM: Geoff Johns: it’s not a trinity, it’s a pentagram (Supes, Bats, WW, GL, Flash)

3:45:57 PM: DD: Kids’ books have to read as kids’ books, not what adults remember from 60s

3:47:26 PM: GJ: will explore time, nature of Speed Force, all speedsters & what’s beyond in Flash:Rebirth

3:48:48 PM: Ravager asks: w/o Trigon, what’s Raven’s role? DD: will be involved in TEEN Titans

3:49:46 PM: GJ: Blackest Night: Flash will explain Captain Boomerang Jr

3:51:02 PM: GJ: entire story of Flash: Rebirth is in the Flash Museum at the beginning

3:53:44 PM: #BlackestNight 3: who do you want to come back? Ted Kord, Pa Kent, Max Lord…Jesus…Michael Jackson…

3:55:03 PM: And that’s it!