Tag Archives: Tweets

New Speedster Names (Humor)

Wally and Linda try to come up with new names for the third Flash. Lightning, Cheetah, Pegasus...Last night I logged into Twitter and found myself in the middle of a storm in which people were posting joke names for speedsters. It all started when Geoff Johns posted the following:

  • @GeoffJohns0: RT @Brainiacphive Hello. I have a name for you for a Flash character: Speed Date. #newspeedsters #

Well, people went with it! You can read them all at #newspeedsters until the posts drop off of Twitter search’s radar in a few weeks. Some of my favorites:

  • jonahlantern: this one is easy. Bad guy team. Jamaican, with ice powers on top of speed. Cool Runnings. #
  • blacaucasian: Runs Really Fast. Because he runs really fast. #
  • mgrabois: Usain Bolt # (a popular suggestion, but I think this was the first)
  • jester1436: Quickstep and Foxtrot #
  • MarkWaid: Charlie Hustle #
  • Knippenberg: Captain 23-Skidoo #
  • mattfraction: Th Flsh # (@shanajeanh remarked, “too fast for vowels?” #)
  • Mike2112McKone suggested several, including: Zip, Zap, Whoosh, Reverb, Skid and iSpeed.
  • Bart_Allen: All Day I Dream About Speed– another corporate sponsored speedster # (in response to my suggestion of Sprint – and in case you’re wondering, look at the first letters.)
  • ValVictory: Krackle and Pop as in the sounds of the speedforce # (I suggested “The Sounds of the Speed Force” it sounded like a band, and VV agreed, saying “Anyone play bass?”)
  • ValVictory: happy fun American run fast time man — That one is from overseas. #
  • ValVictory: Sir speeds a lot — The U.K. flash #
  • bobbynash: Fast Bastard #
  • housetoastonish: Speedy Alberto Gonzales – He’s Quick To Judge #

Quicksilver? Very Taken.

Stephen Wacker chimed in with a number of characters based on people in the comics industry.

  • Ran Didio. Slow-ey Cavalieri. Street Tomasi. Matt Traction. Slowing Gates. “On your Mark, get set, WAID!” #
  • I can’t stop….Drag Rucka. Ethan Van Slider. Slow Quesada. Richard Running. gRANt. Chasin’ Aaron. Axel Alonso. #

And here are my own humble contributions:

  • Mr. Zip, of course! (As in the panels from “The Return of Barry Allen.” I was really surprised no one had suggested it yet.)
  • The Running Man
  • Sprint(tm), the corporate-sponsored speedster
  • The Hot Flash
  • Zoom’s little brother, Vrooom
  • Greased Lightning
  • Spud Racer – the Mr. Potato-Head Flash.
  • Theed Racer, the Flash from Naboo
  • Race Windu. He’s powered by Force Speed instead of the Speed Force.

Linda suggests Mr. Zip.

Failed Event Comics

I’m not entirely sure who started it, but on Friday morning a lot of comics fans and pros on Twitter were posting joke titles with the #failedeventcomics tag. Here are my contributions.

  • Zero Power
  • The Dark Knight Strikes Out
  • Sinestro Corp Store
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths II: Crisis Harder
  • Violins United
  • Vibe: Rebirth
  • Retweet @CapnCarrot: Transformers Disassembled
  • Archie vs. Predator
  • Infinity Ganthet
  • Rain of the Soup, Man!
  • War of the Dogs

Sunday at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

  • Retweeting @GreatWhiteSnark: RT @slashfilm: A real life light cycle in Flynn’s Arcade.
  • RT @SpeedsterSite: OH NO! The Flash: Rebirth pushed back again! Set to release August 26th.
  • Retweeting @SpeedsterSite: RT: @CBR CCI: Geoff Johns on “All Flash”
  • Slept in today. Just got to the floor and I’d swear it’s more crowded than Saturday. Weird.
  • Oh, good, Mark Waid has a line today.
  • OMG Nichelle Nichols!
  • Scored a copy of the Flash:Rebirth #3 Variant! Wish I’d remembered to look BEFORE yesterday’s Geoff Johns signing, though
  • Overheard on return to convention center: “Air conditioning! Woo hoo!”
  • Creepy couple costume: Comedian & battered Silk Spectre from Watchmen. Just saw them pose for a photo w/him hitting her. Messed up.
  • Home from SDCC! Will post today’s pics (w/ decent bandwidth finally!) & unpack a bit, then sleep.

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Saturday at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

  • All right! Friday’s photos actually uploaded overnight!
  • Just walked up to Mark Waid for autograph at Boom booth, no line. How times change.
  • Had no idea Leonard Nimoy & Brent Spiner were going to be here.
  • Took a trip thru Artists alley, then rushed 3/4 of the exhbit hall to DC booth. Forgot how far it was.
  • Saw Harley Quinn skipping merrily along. With a gun, of course.
  • Got a great Madame Xanadu sketch by Amy Hadley & Richard Friend! #Vertigo
  • Batgirl, Harley Quinn & Power Girl @ DC booth
  • Dark Reign Panel: “How do you want Norman Osborn taken down?” Kid dressed as Vision: “Honestly? Howard the Duck.” *applause* “Or Deadpool.”
  • Today is trade-off day. Couldn’t choose btw Quick Draw & Sheldon Moldoff, skipped both to do Madame Xanadu
  • Black Lantern Captain America!
  • Liveblogging DC Universe Panel
  • Thought my legs were shaking. Understandable for 3rd day of con. Turned out to be the floor.
  • Could really use Google Maps for con floor. Search by booth name, get directions. At least the pull-out map shows major booths.
  • Whoa. Saw a Princess Leia who was fully clothed.
  • Fought thru G4 crowd to get Coraline exclusive figure at next booth over.
  • All right!!! RT @Robot6 Gail Simone’s Welcome to Tranquility will return at Wildstorm
  • Ran into a 3rd Jay Garrick a few minutes back. Most years I don’t see any Flashes at all!
  • Newsarama covers DCU panel
  • Whew! Made it through Geoff Johns signing. Going to try for PAD and Bryan Lee O’Malley, then call it a day.
  • 4 signings, 1 panel, caught 4 artists/writers at booths/artists’ alley. Feet ready to fall off. Done for the day
  • Those searchlights should have the Bat Signal

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DC Universe at Comic-Con: Big Flash News UPDATED

AARGH! Liveblogging failed. Lots on Twitter. BIG news: Geoff Johns on Flash ongoing after Blackest Night: Flash, Sterling Gates on Kid Flash ongoing.

Update: Now that the day’s tweets have been imported, here’s my full running commentary on the panel.

  • Inkpot award to Bob Wayne
  • SDCC is like “longest Thanksgiving dinner ever” – con staffer
  • Flash:Rebirth – bunch of Flashes behind him on final cover
  • Some costume changes & a new speedster by end of Flash:Rebirth
  • Sounded like Flash ongoing starts after Blackest Night:Flash. They’re all Geoff Johns-written.
  • Troia, Batman, Hal &…Monel w/ S symbol In JLA.
  • Good Dr. Light vs Black Lantern evil Dr. Light
  • Guessing Batgirl’s ID: Stephanie Brown? DD: “No spoilers here.”
  • DCU panel info is coming fast & furious – hard to keep up
  • Titans’ new leader…let’s just say it’s not Wally as rumored on ComicBloc.
  • GS: WW to renounce Amazons & become more of a super-hero than ever
  • Sterling Gates on Kid Flash series!
  • Rainbow Raider will be a Black Lantern. GJ: “I guess he’ll be the Black & White Raider.”
  • C’mon, random fanboy…wait till you see the new writer’s work before begging Geoff to come back to Teen Titans.
  • Question cosplayer at mike: “I have a question…”
  • DD on renumbering books that have been relaunched: content more important than number on cover, low numbers may bring in more new readers.
  • Geoff Johns: artist lined up for Flash ongoing, can’t talk about it yet. [Edit: GJ adds that he can only say the artist is “awesome.”]
  • Fan requests a Snapper Carr & Jimmy Olsen team-up in Brave & the Bold.

See Also: Comic-Con 2009 Complete Index

Friday at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

Around the Con

  • Apparently the secret to uploading photos in this hotel is to wait until 6am when there’s no competition.
  • The fastest man alive…stuck in traffic.
  • Saw Michael Jackson.
  • Lots of *ahem* Flash photography today
  • Morning shaping up well. Got lassoed into DC costume photoshoot, got 3D photo w/wife (also in costume) & made it into Coraline room
  • Haven’t been to a con in costume since 2003, and then it was Riff from Sluggy Freelance. Not terribly recognizable.
  • But showing up as the Jay Garrick Flash? That stands out!
  • *sigh* someone just said “excuse me, Flash Gordon.”
  • In last hour or so have posed with Captain Hammer, Catwoman, Liberty Belle and Stargirl. Now in line for DC Nation.
  • Hah! Just ran into a JSA group w/ another Jay Garrick!
  • Insta-mob just formed around Olivia Munn (?) As she headed to the panelist entrance.
  • Another insta-mob as Robert Rodriguez left panel.
  • Just saw a Geonosis Padme with a little girl dressed as Princess Leia from A New Hope

Panels: Coraline, Flash Forward, DC Nation

  • Coraline making-of w/Selik, Gaiman, animators & cast.Selik wants to do stop-motion Sandman, Neil wishes him luck w/WB
  • Forgot there was actually a Flash connection w/ Flash Forward: Marc Guggenheim & David S Goyer.
  • They just showed the 1st 2 acts of the Flashforward pilot and it’s AWESOME!
  • Dominic Monaghan confirmed for Flashforward. And he’s here.
  • Liveblogging DC Nation


  • Cleaned up after day in costume, back at hotel restaurant. Planning to return for “Worst Cartoons Ever”
  • Awesome! RT @Robot6 SDCC ’09 | Scott Pilgrim video game is on the way.
  • Missed shuttle by 10 sec, chased, locked out. Ran, walked, jogged 1+ miles & took a pedicab. Chain broke. Made it w/5min to spare
  • Worst Cartoons Ever: mix of poorly-done, or trippy crack, or seriously offensive WTF-were-they-thinking cartoons from the 50s&60s

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