Tag Archives: Wally West

Batman & The Flash: Hero Run Mobile Game Out For Android and iOS!


Batman & The Flash: Hero Run Mobile Game Out For Android and iOS!

Hey Speed Readers,

So a few days back I got a phone call from a friend informing me of a new Flash and Batman-related mobile game. At first I dismissed the news as one of those lame unlicensed mobile apps that lets you fly a reasonable facsimile of your favorite character against generic enemies (especially because of the odd pairing of Batman and The Flash). But nope, sure enough there is a new mobile game available for the Android and iOS featuring Batman, The Flash and a couple of surprise characters.

More info and pics after the jump

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This Week: All-New Flash #31 and Catwoman Goes “Rogue”

Flash #31 is on sale today, picking up where Flash Annual left off, with Future Flash arriving in Central City.  There is also a fantastic 1:25 Mike Allred variant cover.  Here’s the original solicit:

Art and cover by BRETT BOOTH and NORM RAPMUND
1:25 BATMAN ’66 variant cover by MICHAEL ALLRED
On sale MAY 28 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

Continued from THE FLASH ANNUAL #3! Guest starring Future Flash, Future Mirror Master and…Wally West! The future is invading Central City and the fates of Wally West and his Aunt Iris hang in the balance!

Flash #31

Present-day Mirror Master and Glider make appearances in Catwoman #31, as part of the “Race of Outlaws” storyline.  Check out the cover after the jump!

Finally, it looks like the digital backissues of Flash vol. 2 is standing pat at #188, but expect a new backissue added next week.

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Future Wally West on the Cover for Flash/Future’s End

DC has revealed the remaining Future’s End covers for September’s New 52 anniversary event. These will be motion covers, like last year’s 3D covers except showing a before-and-after pair of images. The pair for the Flash issue is…well, take a look!

Flash - Five Years Later - before: Barry Allen

Flash Five Years Later - after: Wally West

They’ve also confirmed that the issue will be written and drawn by the usual creative team. This should come as no surprise to those who’ve been following interviews with Robert Venditti and Van Jensen, as it fits right into the current time travel storyline.

So what do you think of the new look for Wally West?

Media Blitz!: Flash Writers on Wally West, Future Flash (via Newsarama)

Following back-to-back weeks with new Flash issues hitting the stands, the new writing team of Van Jensen and Robert Venditti sat down with Newsarama last week to talk about some of the major introductions made and threads introduced.


Be warned, the two go into some spoiler-level detail if you have not read the last couple issues.  For more on Wally West, his parents, Future Flash and more, follow the jump!

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The Theory of Relativity (and Relatives) – Review of FLASH ANNUAL #3

Flash Annual 3This Annual gives us an intro to a very much alive Wally West…and it throws in another very familiar name as well…as Venditti and Jensen set the stage for the “Future Flash” arc with a shocking turn for Barry Allen.  Something is very wrong with the future Barry…


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