Apparently Funko has a line of plush toys called Mopeez. They’re adding a set of DC Mopeez in August built around the idea that “Even your favorite DC superheroes have bad days!”

It reminds me a bit of Super Emo Friends, only without the clever captions.
But the name….
Long-time Flash fans may have heard the name Mopee, or might remember the “Heavenly Helpmate” in Flash #167 (1967) who claimed to have given Barry his powers by directing the lightning bolt at the window…only to learn later on that he’d screwed up because Barry didn’t own the chemicals himself. Barry agreed to earn the money to buy the chemicals as the Flash, in order to keep his powers.
The story was so widely reviled that it was quietly forgotten and never mentioned again in canon. Who’s Who spared one sentence to explicitly reject it. Eventually in-jokes started to show up. An Ambush Bug story had him claim to be responsible for a half-dozen other superheroes’ origins. Another story had “mopee” as the nickname of a street drug. But mostly the character has become a label for the kind of retcon that’s so bad that it’s retconned away just as quickly.