Category Archives: Collectibles

Shortpacked! Robin Statue Finalized

Shortpacked! cartoonist David Willis posted these photos of the completed Robin DeSanto statue from Patch Together. I’ve got to say, it looks great. I’m not usually one for buying statues and such (though I do make an effort to buy print collections of webcomics that I really like), but I am tempted by this one.

If you missed the earlier post about the prototype, you can read up on the webcomic’s sugar-powered speedster.

The statue is available for preorder.

Sold Out Flash-Related Item To Be Offered Again On “Cyber Monday” and first picture of JLU Jay Garrick

For those of you that haven’t heard, Mattel is planning on re-releasing a number of sold out items that had been offered previously through their online collector store,, in an online sale, dubbed “Cyber Monday”.

More after the break

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White Lantern Barry Action Figure Announced at NYCC 2010

Sorry this is a bit late, but for those who don’t already know DC Direct showed off pics of a slick White Lantern Barry Allen last week at New York Comic-Con 2010:

Photo courtesy of

My first impression of it was “Wally West!” and then I quickly remembered that Wally had nothing to do with Brightest Day and that we haven’t even really seen him (except for the one-off appearances in Magog and Secret Origins) since Flash Rebirth ended. My reaction obviously had to do with the belt and the way it’s been designed.

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Flash Oddities: Homer and Rat-Bear

Jesse Richards sent in these photos of some bizarre Flash merchandise he found:

One is a knockoff of not one, but two, franchises as it’s Homer in a Flash costume. It’s a pretty well-sculpted plastic piece with a surprising amount of articulation but some sloppy painting in places. I got it in a street fair in Brooklyn – no packaging or anything. They had other superheroes, too. I don’t know why he’s angry.

The other one is possibly even weirder … my parents found it at the gift shop at Great Adventure (Six Flags in NJ). There has always been a lot of DC superhero stuff there, but this one is freaky – I thought it was a rat in a Flash costume but now I think it’s a bear in a Flash costume. The hat is the most interesting part, a baseball cap with lightning bolts.

T-Shirt: Camera with Flash! (no longer available)

Today’s TeeFury T-shirt is a picture of a camera fully equipped with a flash — or rather, the Flash.

Like Woot (source of the Flash vs. Apple shirt), TeeFury sells one design each day, but unlike Woot, they don’t offer second chances. The design by artist Joao Lauro Fonte will only be available until midnight EDT (sorry I didn’t spot it earlier), so if you want one, run over and buy it fast. They’ll be gone…in a flash. Update: They’re all gone now.

(via Gfest)

Recent Acquisitions 2 *Graphic Intensive*

Alright finally another installment of “Recent Acquisitions”.  I haven’t posted an update since March, and I’ve actually acquired a lot more than what I’m about to show. But as I explained last time the feature is called “Recent Acquisitions” and I personally think “within the last month or so” when I think “recent”. Still not a bad haul to show off. First the group picture:

Clockwise from the Top: Pull-In Brand Flash Boxer Briefs, Blue Lantern Flash T-Shirt, Funko Flash Plush Doll, Infinite Heroes 3-Pack feat. Wally West, The Trickster and Heatwave, Flash Silhouette T-Shirt, and Sterling Silver Flash Bracelet

More after the jump.

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