It’s been two weeks since the final issue of The Flash came out starring Wally West*, and the reviews of Flash #247 are in.
- The Q Review – skip it; 2 out of 10.
- Chuck’s Comic of the Day – well-written, but feels like stalling.
- Comix 411 – okay, but not a fitting send-off.
- CBR Reviews – not the worst, but expected more.
- Conociendo el Universo DC (in Spanish) – entertaining story with poor art consistency.
- Major Spoilers – ended on a high note; 4 of 5 stars.
- Superhero Times – feels like it’s stopping prematurely rather than ending.
- ComiXtreme – sloppy & inconsistent; 1½ of 5.
- And of course, Speed Force – decent story that made an effort to sum up the series
They’re very mixed, ranging from “skip it” to a “high note.” Several make favorable comparisons to the last time Wally’s series was canceled (Flash #230). Most see this final arc as little more than a placeholder, marking time while DC prepares Flash: Rebirth.
*Until the nostalgia cycle catches up to him 20 years from now. Or until the next sales crash. Or, if we’re really lucky, until DC launches a second Flash series in parallel with Barry’s.