Tag Archives: Casting

Flash TV Update: Casting Rumors

Hi everyone! Just a quick update on the Flash TV pilot news and rumors.

First up: John Wesley Shipp (Barry Allen from the 1990s TV show) talks about Grant Gustin and Flash on the Out Loud and Live Podcast.

Speaking of podcasts, The Flash Podcast has an episode discussing the possible role of the Flash in the evolving DC Cinematic universe.

Bludhaven Banter indicates a Detective Eddie Thawne will be part of the cast for the TV pilot, a recent transfer to Central City from Keystone. Sure sounds like a cover identity for the Reverse-Flash, doesn’t it? (via Flash TV News.)

Moviehole reports on another character planned for the pilot: Cisco Ramon, a.k.a. Vibe. (via Spinoff)

Superhero Movie News reports that Ernie Hudson may be up for Detective West. Geeks who grew up in thw 1980s will best remember him from Ghostbusters. (also via Flash TV News)

Update: Word of the Nerd also rounds up casting rumors and comments on the lineup. Something I’d missed in Bludhaven Banter’s Thawne scoop was that there’s also rumored to be an openly gay character among the regular/recurring cast. Could Hartley Rathaway a.k.a. the Pied Piper be making his way to the screen as well?

Flash Casting News/Rumors: Iris and Detective West

Flash casting sheetsDavid Rapaport Casting tweeted a glimpse at some of the casting sheets for the Flash TV pilot yesterday, including Iris West and Detective West. The presence of Iris no doubt thrilled a number of long-time Flash fans, especially considering how quickly she was written out of the 1990 TV series, appearing only in the pilot episode. Detective West, however, was a mystery.


Bludhaven Banter has posted a scoop: the character descriptions. I’m not familiar with the site, but Flash TV News vouches for them based on previous scoops for Ant-Man.

Potential spoilers below. Continue reading

Media Blitz! Arrow Producer Talks ‘Flash’ Development, Casting

KSiteTV’s Flash-focused FlashTVNews.com has some new information about the casting and upcoming appearances of Barry Allen in second season of The CW’s Arrow.  Within, Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg goes into detail about the process of writing the role and the casting of Grant Gustin in the role of the man who will become The Scarlet Speedster!


For a speed-run through the highlights, follow the jump!

Continue reading

The Flash: “Arrow” Casting Down to Three Contenders

Shooting starts on September 30 for the first Flash guest spot on “Arrow,” and the studio is casting Barry Allen now. Latino Review reports that the field has been narrowed down to three possible actors:

I’m not familiar with any of them myself, and while Barr’s publicity shot looks more like the Barry Allen we know from the comics than either of the others, it’s worth noting that actual TV and movie series often aim more for the acting style or personality wanted than physical resemblance to a character design. (Case in point: John Wesley Shipp as Barry in the 1990s show. Or the entire cast of The Middleman, which turned out perfectly IMO.)

Who Should Play Wally West?

Today’s guest post is by Kojo Manu

It’s no secret that Warner Bros. and DC Comics have started, stalled, restarted, and once again stalled many of their film properties in the past, but it doesn’t stop the speculation. One property that I always wanted to see brought to the big screen (and love to speculate about) is The Flash.

Unfortunately (sort of) it seems that DC is focusing more on bringing Barry Allen rather than Wally West to the screen first. but it’s still fun the speculate on my favorite person to don the Flash costume.

I decided to make a blog casting the Scarlet Speedster and to hear many other people’s opinion on who should Wally West/The Flash. Here are my top 3 choices: Continue reading

Speed Reading

Some weekend linkblogging…

Neil Patrick Harris has definitely picked up a following as a choice for Barry Allen, judging by how often he shows up in fan casting lists. This one from Comic Book Movie pairs him with Felicia Day as Iris, and adds Anton Yelchin (who recently played a young Kyle Reese in Teminator Salvation and a young Pavel Chekhov in Star Trek) as Wally West.

That F’ing Monkey reviews a Giant Sized Flash figure from SDCC.

The Best Comic Covers highlights 9 Superman vs. Flash covers.

Wizard World returns to Anaheim next year on the weekend of April 29 through May 1. Tickets are already on sale. (Whatever happened to tickets for the canceled WWLA 2009, anyway? Did people finally get refunds, or free tickets to Anaheim 2010?)

The Word Balloon podcast interviews Francis Manapul. In part 1 they focus on The Flash and Adventure Comics, while the upcoming part 2 will go into Beast Legends.

Robot 6 offers some website usability tips for comic book publishers.

The Aquaman Shrine and Firestorm Fan have teamed up for “Unresolved Issues” – the behind-the-scenes spat between Firestorm and Aquaman. But what role does the Flash have? The answer may shock you! (Okay, not really, but the promo phrasing seems like it fits the era.)