Tag Archives: Flash: Rebirth

Speed Reading: Rebirth Tuesday Two

Barry Allen is back and it's the worst thing that could ever happen To himBuzz on Flash: Rebirth is reaching a fever pitch in the last day before release! I usually do one of these link posts each week, and here I am at three in the space of two days!

Geoff Johns has posted a new promo poster (right) for Flash: Rebirth.

Wally West has defeated Superman in the CSBG character poll, moving him into the Final Four. (Hey, better than being a Cylon!)

Somehow I forgot to link to Crimson Lightning’s cover of the week last Friday, featuring another Return of Barry Allen.

IO9 contrasts Flash: Rebirth with Irredeemable, with Barry Allen and Irredeemable‘s lead representing opposite ends of the superhero spectrum.

Green Lantern Spotlight profiles Barry Allen to kick off Flash Month.

Great Caesar’s Post wants to see more Flashes coming out of Flash: Rebirth.

Monty’s Mix Tape at iFanboy has a round-up of the Rogues’ latest adventures on Twitter (CaptainCold, WeatherWizard, MirrorMaster, and HeatWaveMick).

Blog@Newsarama’s J. Caleb Mozzocco, in the latest ‘Twas the Night Before Wednesday, isn’t impressed with the concept behind Flash: Rebirth, saying that the solicitation’s promise of a dead speedster “reinforc[es] [his] belief that all DC comics are either about 1) Continuity futzing, 2) Dead characters coming back to life, or 3) Live characters dying.” Of course, Flash: Rebirth looks to be about all three.

On the other hand, (the) David Press lists Flash: Rebirth #1 among this week’s Must-Have Comics.

Download Squad considers: If Web Browsers Were Super Friends, concluding that the Flash would be Chrome. (via noscans_daily) “Chrome is getting faster all the time. Gadgets aren’t required when you can zip through labyrinthine web page code at mind-blowing speeds…. Some people don’t like what’s going on with his costume, what with the little tabs right at the top of his head.”

Speed Reading: Rebirth Tuesday

The Flash talk comes fast and furious around the net as we head toward Wednesday’s release of Flash: Rebirth!

Geoff Johns says hello from his new website. New Yorkers, don’t forget his signing at Jim Hanley’s Universe on Wednesday. He also mentions an interview with IGN, which doesn’t seem to be up yet, so keep your eyes open!

Newsarama talks Replacement Heroes: The Flash.

Ethan Van Sciver answers Flash: Rebirth questions at Speedster Site.

iFanboy has a list of 6 Questions That Flash: Rebirth Needs to Answer.

The Weekly Crisis contemplates this week’s books, including Flash: Rebirth and concerns that it might throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Broken Frontier, on the other hand, sees comic book gold in bringing a Flash back from the dead.

Thisisgone muses about the science of the Flash.

The Hero Initiative has announced their signing schedule for this weekend’s Emerald City Comicon, which includes:

  • Barry Kitson (Flash & Green Lantern: The Brave and the Bold) Saturday 10:30-12:00
  • Mark Waid (Flash, Impulse) Sunday 10:30-11:30

Way of the Geek trusts the GJ/EVS team, but wonders if DC can catch lightning in a bottle a second time.

Revenge of the Inner Geek anticipates tomorrow’s release and reminds everyone to vote in the Comics Should Be Good Superman vs. Flash Poll! At this time, the Flash is ahead 518 votes to 444! Voting is open until 6PM Eastern Daylight time, so if you haven’t voted for the Scarlet Speedster, head over there now!

Speed Reading: Rebirth Monday

Flash: Rebirth #1 (thumbnail)With Flash: Rebirth coming out this week, there’s an awful lot of Flash-related chatter on the internet.

Comics and…other Imaginary Tales is really looking forward to Flash: Rebirth.

Dull Doll is excited that the “original Flash is back from the dead”. No comment.

Geoff Johns has a new website, including Flash: Rebirth wallpapers.

The Orlando Comics Examiner talks about Flash: Rebirth and legacy characters.

What Were They Thinking? contemplates the Flash’s super-speed eyesight.

Johnny Quick’s speed formula, “3X2(9YZ)4A,” gets a mention in Comic Coverage’s list of super-hero “magic words.”

It looks like there won’t be any Wally West backup stories in the new Flash, at least not to start with, as the New York Times identifies all seven co-features in the initial lineup.

And then there’s these (believe it or not), Flash-themed high heeled shoes.

On another note, Every Day is Like Wednesday reviews The Incredibles #1, by long-term Flash writer Mark Waid.

At K-Squared Ramblings, we have Why Las Vegas is a bad idea for Comic-Con.

Superman vs the Flash And don’t forget to keep an eye on Comics Should Be Good today. Voting in the Superman vs. Flash poll in their DC/Marvel Superhero Tourney starts at 6pm Eastern time!

Speed Reading: Who’s Next? Best of TV, Showcase and More

Crimson Lightning has posted the best of live-action Flash, featuring his favorite 3 episodes (and an honorable mention) from the 1990 Flash TV series.

The Heritage Auctions blog talks about Showcase #4 (Barry Allen’s first appearance) and its significance as the start of the Silver Age. The highest-grade copy known to exist (CGC 9.6) is going on auction in May.

The comic strip Epic Tales of the Mundane tackles a trade-waiter’s dilemma when faced with Flash: Rebirth.

Silver Age Comics has a run-down of DC Annuals in the Silver Age.

Geoff Johns talks Flash:Rebirth at ComicsPRO

NewsOK’s Nerdage has posted two articles relating to Flash: Rebirth and Blackest Night. First, a short video interview with Geoff Johns (which I haven’t watched yet because I have no sound). Second, a write-up of Flash and Green Lantern in which Geoff Johns remarks that the two heroes will be the “cornerstones” of the DC Universe this year.

The most intriguing remark:

Barry Allen returning from the dead is “the worst thing that ever happened to him,” Johns said.

That puts an interesting perspective on it, and actually reminds me of sixth-season Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in which the title character comes back from the dead…and isn’t as happy about it as you might expect.

Flash: Rebirth #1 Variant Covers Revealed

Midtown Comics has posted images of the covers for Flash: Rebirth #1, shipping next week!

Flash: Rebirth (Standard) via Midtown Comics Flash: Rebirth #1 Variant from Midtown Comics

On the left is the standard cover, using the now-familiar image of the Flash putting on his boots. On the right is the retailer incentive variant, showing Barry Allen as he ejects his costume from his ring. Both are by series artist Ethan Van Sciver.

The Midtown Comics website does point out that these aren’t necessarily scans of the actual comics, and could be stock images.

Found via this ComicBloc thread.