Tag Archives: San Diego

Thursday at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

  • Harvey Dent would love Cafe 222 on 2nd.
  • Anyone need a new front door?
  • In line for Bryan Lee O’Malley. #SDCC not horrendously crowded…yet.
  • Scary costume #843: bearded guy in diaper, leather vest & fur hat. Hazards of SDCC
  • Took me a few seconds to realize it, but an old man just walked by dressed as Carl from Up.
  • Aha, loud cheers a few minutes back were for Gwar
  • Not sure I’ll make it to the Geoff Johns spotlight. This line’s awfully long for this size room.
  • Oh well, at least I got to the @radiomaru spotlight. That was worth it.
  • Lunchtime sights: Ariele meets Ursula. Wonder Woman tries to cross Sails & gets stopped every 10ft for photo requests
  • *whew* made it into the room for Geoff Johns spotlight.
  • Liveblog: Geoff Johns Spotlight
  • Spent an hour or two hanging out with friends at The Field.
  • In line for Mad Science. Had no idea it would be so crowded at this hour.
  • 3 more days of walking like this I should be able to run one of those pedicabs
  • Saw a zombie reading Fahrenheit 451.
  • Overheard at SDCC: “Sigourney Weaver and my mind explode.”
  • Made it into Mad Science! 3 for 3 for Thursday!
  • Write-up: Mad Science
  • I do not understand the Free Hugs phenomenon.
  • WTF? Overheard at SDCC: “Did that one guy just say the culture of China hasn’t changed in *snicker* 50 years?!? *giggle*”
  • Sitting in a back hallway. Setting sun streaming through windows.
  • An unusually large concentration of Star Trek costumes and t-shirts coming out of this Star Trek panel at SDCC. Seems logical.
  • Uploading next batch of photos.

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Preview Night at Comic-Con (in Tweets)

  • RT @Robot6: SDCC ’09 | Mark Waid takes a turn as radio DJ on KCRW
  • In San Diego, checked into hotel. Free wifi = yay!
  • Hotel room has great view of…the roof. Whee.
  • Serious fans! RT @Robot6: SDCC ’09 | Behold the power of Twilight: More than 100 Twilight fans already are lined up.

At the Con

  • Badge pick-up took 5 minutes from arival at con. And hey, I have ANOTHER copy of Blackest Night #0!
  • Wed night: the only time you’ll see the Mrs Fields carts without a line.
  • Simple costume: walking bulletin board.
  • Huge line at Graphitti T-shirt booth for Green Lantern figures.
  • First person in Twilight line has a dome tent.
  • Not many costumes at preview night, but a few. Sitting on shuttle behind Wonder Girl & (I think) Ravager.
  • Uploading first batch of photos to Flickr account over slow hotel wifi

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Quick Thoughts: Reprints, Tropes and Cons

Some links and observations for the day.


Comics Should Be Good looks at DC Super-Stars reprints from the 1970s — including a Flash book which re-drew a Golden Age story. Hmm, I have a new blog post idea: comparing the original and redrawn versions of “Deal Me From the Bottom” and “City of Shifting Sand” from All-Flash #22 (yes, they did this twice!)

If you dare, read TV Tropes on Super Speed. (Beware, this is TV Tropes, so you run the risk of a tab explosion if you read it!)

San Diego Thoughts

Twitter has been full of people talking about flying to San Diego today, or starting long drives. Living 2-3 hours away, it’s easy for me to forget that a lot of people need a full day of travel before and after the con. I mean, I’m planning to drive down after lunch. I could do the entire con taking only 2½ days off work, but for many people, it’s a full week.

I find it highly amusing that @WizardWorld has been heavily pushing Chicago Comic-Con on Twitter today…the day before Comic-Con International. Certainly it makes perfect sense to capitalize on people thinking about cons who might not be going to this one, but might go to yours. And heck, I started getting excited about the build-up to CCI during the week before Wizard World Philadelphia and HeroesCon. It just seems funny for some reason.

Expanded from some of my Twitter posts today.

Covering San Diego (2009)

In a few days I’ll be off to Comic-Con International in San Diego. It’ll be my 20th year attending the con. Now I feel old.

Anyway, I’ll be posting about my experiences at the con in several places:

Here’s a list of my past convention reports and photos, including San Diego 2003–2008, Wizard World Los Angeles 2007–2008, and WonderCon 2008–2009. I’m also almost done with the Convention Tips list, which should wrap up Wednesday morning.

Comic-Con Trolley Tips

The trolley is a good way to get around Downtown San Diego. Here are some tips for making the most of it during Comic-Con International:

  • Trolley maps and schedules are on sdcommute.com and sdmts.com. Here’s a direct link to the trolley map.
  • You can get a 4-day pass online at sdcommute.com. They mail it, so it’s probably too late for this year, but next time…
  • There are 2 trolley stops near the convention center: Convention Center and Gaslamp Quarter.
  • Downtown trolleys run every 15 min/day, 30 min/evening, until around midnight (later on weekends)
  • Trolleys are crowded, especially on Fri and Sat, so plan for at least 30 min delay.
  • MTS has posted the special event trolley schedule for the con (via @SD_Comic_Con)

Check out my full list of Tips for Comic-Con here at Speed Force!