Category Archives: Fandom

Long Beach Comic-Con Report – 2009

My full write-up of Long Beach Comic Con is done! I looked at lots of art, caught some panels, got stuff signed by both Mark Waid and Geoff Johns, bought some books and prints, saw people in costumes, and did some sightseeing.

Here’s the coverage breakdown:

I had a great time at the con on Saturday, and will definitely go next year if they hold it again.

Tweeting Long Beach Comic-Con 2009

  • First view of the Long Beach convention center. I haven’t been here in ages.
  • Last time I was here, I don’t think there was a mall across the street!
  • Realized I’ve walked by the gold Boba Fett 4 or 5 times w/o stopping to take a photo. I am so jaded.
  • Flash news from DC Nation panel (in other post)
  • Mark Waid: if DC did an animated Flash feature, he would want Will Wheaton to voice Wally West.
  • Waid on appeal of superheroes: Nobody knows what it’s like to have super-speed, but everyone knows what it’s like to wish you were faster.
  • Waid on writing: find the method that works for you and embrace it. Don’t beat yourself up over what doesn’t.
  • Taking a break from the con to wander outside. Will head back for the Mark Waid signing at 2:30.
  • Primary goals achieved! Panels & signings by Mark Waid & Geoff Johns. Now an iced mocha, then back to the floor.

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Update: Full write-up and photos are now online!

Upcoming Cons: Long Beach, WonderCon, Anaheim & San Diego

Long Beach Comic ConLong Beach Comic-Con is only two weeks away! They’ve posted their programming schedule and floor map, and I’m happy to see that the panels I most want to see are (a) on the day I’m going and (b) not opposite each other!

Comic Con International has opened online registration for 2010. There’s a pretty steep price jump — the full week is $100 now. Admittedly, that comes out to $25 a day, so it’s not that bad when you think about it. But it’s still triple digits.

They’re trying to cut down on the Wednesday night crowds by selling two types of full-con tickets, one with Preview Night and one without. On one hand, that’s probably a good idea. “Preview” Night has gotten rather insane the last couple of years (since the last time Warren Ellis came out to San Diego, really). On the other hand…you need the Preview Night version to pick up your badge early. If you get the regular version, you have to wait until Thursday morning. Otherwise, I’d happily forgo Preview Night so that someone who really wants to go can have a slightly less crowded experience, since I rarely spend more than half an hour on Wednesday anyway.

WonderCon has announced the dates for next year’s convention: April 2-4, 2010. That’s later than it’s been the last few years, and puts it only 2 weeks before Wizard’s Anaheim Comic Con (April 16-18). It’s close enough to make me feel like there’s no point in going to both. WonderCon looks like a better idea for a lot of reasons…but Anaheim is so close that it feels like it would be a waste to not go.

Cosplay Photos: Flashes & Rogues at Dragon*Con

Just from what I’ve seen on Flickr, there were a ton of Flash-related costumes at Dragon*Con this year.

Golden Age Flash Flash by leefly Zoom The Flash - Dragoncon 2009 Dragon Con 2009 Dragon Con 2009 The Flash & Heat Wave - Dragon*Con 2009 Flash Rogues Flash Rogues - Death of Bart Allen Flash Rogues - Impulse's Revenge Smallville Impulse Smallville Justice Flash and Black Canary Justice League P9060011 Grail Knight and Flash

Looking through these photos, be sure to notice:

  • The Flash’s secret revealed: Red Bull!
  • The Grail Knight (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) asks the Flash to choose wisely.
  • Smallville-style Impulse
  • The entire frakking Rogues’ Gallery!

The Rogues’ Gallery group not only did an incredible job on their costumes, but got together for an extended photo shoot…and hung out at a bar afterward, in full costume. You can read all about it, with dozens of photos, in xanykaos’ (Trickster II) post on flash_rogues, A Meeting of Rogues. (Thanks to Lia for the link!)

Interest Still High for Flash: Rebirth #4

Yesterday I ran a quick poll on Twitter and Facebook asking people whether they were excited about Flash: Rebirth , due to hit shelves today. Of the 23 responses so far, 3/4 said they were excited or looking forward to the book, with 57% choosing the “excited” option. Only one person each (4%) said they were “dreading” it or were buying it, but not particularly interested. 17% (4 people) responded that they had lost interest.

Obviously the sample size is tiny. Issue #3 sold 83,000 copies, so extrapolating from 23 people isn’t terribly useful. And of course it’s self-selected to represent people who were interested enough in the Flash to follow either my Twitter account or Facebook page, and checked in yesterday or this morning.

The poll’s still open — I couldn’t tell what time it would close, so I gave it Thursday as the closing day — so the results could change. The ranking looks solid, though.