Tag Archives: Barry Allen

All Flash: Barry & Wally to Share the Spotlight? UPDATED

And one more item to round out the afternoon of catching up. I’d prefer something a little more solid, but this is clearly going to get people talking whether I post it or not, so here goes….

Update (Sep 13): Geoff Johns has confirmed on Twitter that the book is Flash, not All-Flash:

Have no idea where Wizard got that. We’re launching THE FLASH #1 and KID FLASH #1 after BLACKEST NIGHT: FLASH. 🙂


Wizard mentions All FlashYesterday, Comic Bloc user darylwing1 posted a scan from an issue of Wizard. It looks like a sidebar, and features the following statement:

Flash: Rebirth
Barry Allen’s comeback mini ends in September followed up by Blackest Night: Flash, both leading to Johns’ new ongoing Flash title starring Allen and Wally West, All Flash.
Ethan Kaye

(Ethan Kaye writes for Wizard.)

There’s also a picture of the Kent family captioned, “Johns explores Supes’ early days in Origins.”

Comparing Sources

So, first: I don’t know what issue of Wizard this is in. I’m not familiar with darylwing1, but his posting history looks solid, so I see no reason to doubt the scan itself. As for the statement itself, it still lists Rebirth ending in September (which, we know now, isn’t happening). It also refers to Superman: Secret Origin as Origins. And DC’s announcement of Francis Manapul as artist mentions “Flash #1.”

So I’m not convinced that it’s accurate.

Another thing to consider: Continue reading

Cosplay Photos: Flashes & Rogues at Dragon*Con

Just from what I’ve seen on Flickr, there were a ton of Flash-related costumes at Dragon*Con this year.

Golden Age Flash Flash by leefly Zoom The Flash - Dragoncon 2009 Dragon Con 2009 Dragon Con 2009 The Flash & Heat Wave - Dragon*Con 2009 Flash Rogues Flash Rogues - Death of Bart Allen Flash Rogues - Impulse's Revenge Smallville Impulse Smallville Justice Flash and Black Canary Justice League P9060011 Grail Knight and Flash

Looking through these photos, be sure to notice:

  • The Flash’s secret revealed: Red Bull!
  • The Grail Knight (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) asks the Flash to choose wisely.
  • Smallville-style Impulse
  • The entire frakking Rogues’ Gallery!

The Rogues’ Gallery group not only did an incredible job on their costumes, but got together for an extended photo shoot…and hung out at a bar afterward, in full costume. You can read all about it, with dozens of photos, in xanykaos’ (Trickster II) post on flash_rogues, A Meeting of Rogues. (Thanks to Lia for the link!)

Super-Hero Weddings

Originally posted way back in 2003, long before the infamous Green Arrow/Black Canary wedding!

Cover: Flash #165Over the past few weeks I’ve been going through the Silver Age Flash series, cataloging character appearances. I’m almost done – only 25 issues left – but it reminded me of something:

Why is it that super-hero weddings are almost always interrupted by super-villains – even when the hero’s identity is secret?

Is it just that readers expect a story with some sort of fight in it, and if it’s just a wedding they’ll be disappointed?

Consider these examples:

  • Flash II (Barry Allen) and Iris West: the wedding is interrupted when Professor Zoom disguises himself as the groom, and the Flash has to get rid of him and then make it to the wedding himself.
  • Flash II (Barry Allen) and Fiona Webb (after Iris’ death): Zoom returns, Flash spends the whole day chasing him around the globe, and eventually Fiona gives up and runs out of the chapel, just in time for Zoom to try to kill her. (Flash stops him with a last-second choke-hold which breaks his neck, leading to a manslaughter trial, the disappearance of Barry Allen, and finally the cancellation of the series.)
  • Flash III (Wally West) and Linda Park: at the moment the rings are exchanged, Abra Kadabra kidnaps Linda, sends everyone home, and casts a massive forget spell, erasing all memory and records of her back to the point she met Wally. Eventually she escapes, Kadabra is tricked into reversing the spell, and they hold a new wedding – 18 issues later.

And it’s not just the main characters who get this treatment: Continue reading

Speed Reading: Artist Wishlist, Adam Brody, Rogues & Death

Some more linkblogging (almost done, honest!)

Collected Editions reviews Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge.

Speedster Site wants to know: What artist do you want for Flash? Also: an EVS Barry Allen sketch from Fan Expo.

The Cool Kidz Table lists his five favorite Flash artists.

iFanboy wonders if heroes can just stay dead.

At MTV Splash Page, Adam Brody Remembers His Flash Suit from the Justice League movie that never happened.

Classic Flash: Cool Moments, Lame Bits, and…Octopus Fighting?

Some more linkblogging…

Flash Comics #44 (1943)CSBG’s Cool Comic Book Moments #245 features the death of Barry Allen from Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Crimson Lightning finishes up the Super-Powers retrospective with the original mini-comic that came with the action figure.

Silver Age Comics brings up 3 extremely lame bits about Kid Flash. Coincidence, costume change, and…do you dare read on to learn the third?

Indie Squid Kid presents the golden age of octopus fighting. No, really!

Flash #0 (1994)Update: Newsarama’s Friday Flashback looks back at the classic Flash #0 by Mark Waid & Mike Wieringo. This classic post-Zero Hour book told a stand-alone story of Wally West bouncing around in time and, at one point, meeting his younger self, reassuring him that everything would work out. It also set things in motion for the epic Terminal Velocity, which started the following month.

Full Review: Flash: Rebirth #4 — “Flash Facts”

Flash: Rebirth #4 Standard Cover

Well, I said I wanted this issue to knock my socks off, and Geoff Johns & Ethan Van Sciver certainly delivered! After three issues of setup, Flash: Rebirth #4 kicks the story into high gear. Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash, stands revealed as the villain behind Barry Allen’s troubles, the mythology of the speed force expands, and everyone gets involved in a high-stakes battle for the legacy of the Flash.

The Professor is In

I’ve never been a huge fan of the Reverse Flash. Sure, there’s a reason the evil counterpart is a standard villain type. For one thing, it’s always interesting to see what a villain can do with the same powers but no scruples (as demonstrated admirably when Lex Luthor and the Flash have their minds switched in “The Great Brain Robbery” episode of Justice League Unlimited). For another, when the villain has the same powers as the hero, it cancels out the hero’s usual advantages — but the side effects of their struggle are often doubled.

The thing is, Professor Zoom always struck me as an overdone, melodramatic villain, evil or the sake of being evil — the kind who would twirl his mustache while tying Iris to the railroad tracks. Maybe that was because he never really got updated with modern storytelling the way the Rogues did, except for a single story — appropriately enough, Mark Waid’s “The Return of Barry Allen.” By contrast, I found Hunter Zolomon a much more interesting character with unusual motivations, though one who should be used sparingly. So having Zoom II taken off the playing field in Rogues’ Revenge and Zoom I brought back at the same time as his own arch-nemesis seemed, well, lazy.

This issue, however, presents a Zoom who is thoroughly menacing. Barry’s internal monologue zeroes in on the key constant in Zoom’s appearances: he’s a predatory stalker. And now he’s been reimagined as — like his opposite number — a scientist. A scientist with an obsession and no ethics committee, who has spent his life experimenting on the subject of his fixation.


There’s so much going on in this issue that the first time through I didn’t realize what a huge chunk of exposition is dropped at the beginning of the issue. For one thing, it’s interspersed with a battle. For another, despite Thawne’s academic affectations, it’s much more straight-forward than the technobabble at the beginning of the last issue.

Also: a couple of items bring home the fact that this entire miniseries (or at least what we’ve seen so far) takes place in the space of one day. The first issue established a number of celebrations and parades that were going to happen later that day — and this issue, one of the battles crashes through that parade.

I don’t think I can say much more without giving away plot points, so be warned: Spoilers after the cut.

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