Tag Archives: Contest

Contest: “Where Was Wally West?”

It is convention season, and Flash fans across the country have been asking the same question: “Where is Wally West?” 

While we do not know where Wally is now, where he will be, or how long it will be until he is anywhere, we certainly know where he was!  With that knowledge, we introduce our new ongoing contest feature, “Where Was Wally West?” 

UPDATE:  This week’s contest is closed as of 9 AM EST Saturday.  Thanks to everyone who entered an answer!  The raffle winner will be announced with the next contest on Wednesday.

On Wednesdays, we will post a panel or sequence from a classic comic featuring Wally West visiting an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Every fan who can tell us the issue, writer, artist(s) and a reasonable description of the locale/era, by Friday, will be entered into a raffle for a cool Flash prize!  Just send your responses to this email address, and we’ll announce the winner when we post the next contest! 

So check out the image below and ask yourself, WWWW?

This week’s prize is a copy of the original version of Flash: Iron Heights by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver!

Remember That Twitter Contest?

Way back in April, DC ran a Flash trivia contest on Twitter for a signed copy of The Flash #1. A new question each day for a week, with winners chosen from the first few correct responses. I won one of the days with the answer to a question about “Flash of Two Worlds,” and immediately sent in my mailing address.

And waited.

And waited.

After about a month, one of the other winners contacted me through Comic Bloc trying to get us all together to write to DC and ask what was going on. DC wrote back, assuring us that the signed books would be out within a few weeks.

Eventually, September rolled around, along with a second or third round of, “Hey, what happened?” This time, they assured us all that the books would be sent out by the end of the month.

Guess what?

Last Friday (October 8), I came home and found an envelope from DC Comics! In it was not only a copy of The Flash #1, but a copy of the Blackest Night hardcover to make up for the long wait time!

When I checked in on Comic Bloc, it turned out that they’d sent Blackest Night to some of us, and Flash Rebirth to others.

I remember last year telling someone that I wasn’t planning to read Blackest Night because I had no interest in it, but I’d read it if someone else bought it for me. It’s weird that not only did someone end up buying it for me, but it was DC themselves! I guess they really want me to read this book! 😀

Another funny thing: Back in July, I got Francis Manapul to sign my copy of The Flash #1 at Comic-Con International. So now I have two signed copies: one signed by the writer, and one signed by the artist!

Speedforce.org and Arrobasilver’s Design and Win Your Own Flash Ring Update!

Alright everyone, we just received an update on what you have all been waiting for. Mark your calendars folks, the winner of the Design and Win Your Own Flash Ring Contest will be announced on Wednesday, May 26, 2010. The winner wins a replica of their Flash Ring Design as well as a limited run as a Flash Ring sold on Arrobasilver.com. ArrobaSilver’s rings and jewelry are officially licensed by DC Comics and produces a high-quality product as a result.

ArrobaSilver has been kind enough to keep Speedforce.org’s exclusive discount code active past the contest end date. Entering GA001 at checkout still gets you 10% off your entire order excluding shipping and handling.

Our sincere thanks goes out to all of the fans who sent in their own designs; You guys have made our first contest a success and we really cannot thank you all enough. Keep an eye out for more fun contests in the very near future.

Needless to say we are counting down the minutes until the big announcement. As we mentioned earlier this is our first contest and to have it go so well with relatively few stumbles is a great feeling. Thank you once again for all the support.

Keep it Flashy!

Devin “The Flash” Johnson

Design and Win Your Own Flash Ring Contest to End at Midnight Tonight!

Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the Design and Win Your Own Flash Ring Contest will be ending at the end of the day, 4/19/2010. All entries must be in by 12:00am Pacific Time to be counted and sent on to ArrobaSilver for the final judging of the contest.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause anyone and I wish all of the current entrants good luck in the contest. The winner will be announced in the very near future and I will keep you all posted on the date.

Thanks again for all the great entries we have received thus far and remember you still have until 12:00am Pacific Time to get those last entries in.

You can find the rest of the contest details HERE

Thank you for your understanding. Any further inquiries can be sent to devintheflashjohnson@yahoo.com or designyourownflashring@yahoo.com

Thanks again.

Devin “The Flash” Johnson

P.S. ArrobaSilver is still offering 10% off for all readers of Speedforce.org. They have a plethora of officially licensed Flash and Justice League Rings and other jewelry available. Enter GA001 at checkout to apply the discount.

Design And Win Your Own Flash Ring Spotlight!

With only two weeks left in the contest, I’d like to take some time to highlight some of the entries we’ve received so far and will all be passed on to Arrobasilver for consideration:

Ryan cleverly combined elements of the Blue Lantern and The Flash:

While Adam Komar from Conroe, TX had the interests of those conflicted between light and dark in mind with his concept:

Cape Sandlin incorporated a variation of The Flash logo itself into a modest but visually stunning piece of work:

And Aaron Rivin Rivin took a more traditional approach to his concept: [Edit: Images removed because they were plagiarized (see comments).]

Kevin Allen from Rochester, MI described his concept as: “This is a ring he would wear when giving an interview, or at the opening of a new wing of the Flash Museum. It is a ring he would only take out for super important events. As such, it takes some of the elements of his normal ring, but also adds a few style choices to make it look more regal and important.”

And Joey Forlini delivers with a simple yet engaging piece framed with elements of The Fastest Man Alive.

And that’s only a few of the great submissions we have so far. Thanks for all the entries. I look forward to seeing even more of all your great work, so get those submissions in while you still can. You can visit the Official Contest Page HERE for details on submissions and such.

Devin “The Flash” Johnson

Watch Episodes of The Flash TV Series on WB.com For FREE!

UPDATE: The show is no longer available at wb.com, but is now on CW Seed.

WB.com has episodes of the 1990-91 Flash TV series on it’s website to watch for free!

The Flash TV series is a favorite of mine from back when I was just a little guy. My dad was a huge fan of sci-fi tv series, and we used to flip back and forth from The Flash to the Simpsons way back in the day. A few years later my sister would let me rent out the old Flash series from Erol’s, as they carried two VHS of the series, The Flash and The Flash II: Revenge of The Trickster. I found both to be highly entertaining and watched them numerous times with captive eyes. I believe a third one was released later on but I never got a chance to watch it.

At this point in my collection I had only one Flash action figure with which I could act out his adventures with. It was made by Toy Biz and had an action feature that made his arms move when you wound the mechanism on it’s back. I believe these were the immediate successors of the Super Powers Collection Action figures and even had a knock-off quality when compared to them. I had a slew of X-Men action figures so they pulled double-duty as villains. Fun times.

When they finally released the The Flash on DVD back in January of 2006, I was there at Best Buy first thing in the morning to pick it up. I was not disappointed. Well except for the mixed up episodes and the reports of some discs not working correctly. But the show had high production values, a cool suit, a solid cast, and cameos from some future Hollywood mainstays (Angela Bassett and Richard Belzer). Like many first seasons of series it had it’s ups and downs. Many of which are showcased at Crimsonlightning.com, which ran a regular feature reviewing each episode of the show. Although I have to disagree with their review of Sins of The Father, personally that’s one of my favorites. I love the dice scene and the quick change costume scene towards the end. Pure Awesome.

Despite it’s low points the show was the first time that we really had a serious portrayal of a mainstream comics character in live action on TV and it was decently faithful.

I would love to see a live action Flash series (or better yet movie) in this day and age, but we will have to settle for this show in the meantime. We Flash fans have been doing a lot of settling though lately. I can only hope that with DC putting the spotlight back on The Flash in the DC Universe, we will see The Flash take the spotlight in other media as well.

If you missed it up top you can watch free episodes of The Flash here. Feel free to come back and leave some thoughts for us on the series and any memories you may have of it.

Credit: Dustin Fletcher for the link.

Also Speedforce.org and Arrobasilver.com’s Design and Win Your Own Flash Ring Contest is in full swing! So feel free to check out the page and send your entry in today! There is little over a month remaining in the contest and we have some great entries so far. Keep ’em coming!

Devin “The Flash” Johnson