Category Archives: Round-Ups

Speed Reading: JLA, Drinks, Ridiculous Villains & More

Some weekend linkblogging…


Incoming Justice League writer James Robinson will include a speedster on the roster.

Yes. I’m talking to Geoff [Johns] about which one it will be. I just have to make sure that everyone at DC is happy with the choice. But there’s a definitely one I have in mind, and I think you’ll all find it an interesting choice.

Blackest Night editor Eddie Berganza contrasts Black Lanterns against Zombies.

The Flash: Rebirth team of Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver are both on the WonderCon 2010 Guest List.

Apparently Mark Waid isn’t evil anymore, judging by the new website

Fan Commentary

High Five!'s Scarlet SpeedsterFlash drinkHigh Five! Comics has invented the world’s fastest drink: the Scarlet Speedster. In true Flash fashion, though, it’s not the first drink to ride the lightning! They’ve also put together a list of the top 10 “Most Ridiculous Villains We Could Think Of”. Two Flash villains — the Turtle and Double Down — make the cut alongside such classics as Starro the Conqueror, Polka Dot Man, and Turner D. Century. (I am not making this up.)

Titans Tower Monitor Room has put together a list of Top 20 Iconic Titans Covers.

Uni-Formz Flash GroupComics and Geeks is tempted by the Uni-Formz Flash action figures.

Fanboy Power Hour looks back at DC Comics Presents #1, the first half of one of the classic Superman-Flash races.

Update: Crimson lightning ponders Wally West’s Last Stand.

Update: Today’s random flashback post on my other blog is a scan of a rather hilarious public service announcement from the 1960s, BEM: Ladies’ Man.

Speed Reading: Sales, Humor, TPBs, Movies

Rounding up a week of links:

Major Spoilers has the Top 300 Comics for August 2009, and Flash: Rebirth #4 is #14. They’re also holding a costume contest.

Dan Didio’s latest 20 questions explains how Geoff Johns & Francis Manapul moved from Adventure Comics to The Flash. He adds, “my goal now is to get those guys going on Flash as soon as possible.”

High Five! Comics lists their top ten second-string couples, featuring both Barry & Iris Allen and Ralph & Sue Dibny. Their latest Things I Learned From Comics feature covers How to Gain Superpowers.

Collected Editions has updated their DC Comics Trade Paperback Timeline and moved to its new, post-GeoCities home.


The Onion brings the “news” that melting ice caps are exposing hundreds of secret arctic lairs. Does anyone remember whether Dr. Impossible had one?

Noah Van Sciver continues his comic-strip Flash: Rebirth Recaps with issue #4.


We Are Movie Geeks has made a list of five projects for DC Entertainment to jump on, starting with the Flash.

And finally, Crimson Lightning has the results of the casting poll. Fans cast Neil Patrick Harris as the Scarlet Speedster. Next up: Who’s your favorite Reverse Flash?

Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-09-13


  • Today I learned that you can have more than 1 longbox worth of comics & trades in piles and not realize it.
  • Anyone else find themselves driving behind a dark red Mercury Mystique and think, “Shouldn’t that be blue?”
  • Domain transfer went through just in time before getting overcharged for renewal! Now to get it set up at the new registrar.


  • The Shade.
  • Wow there were a lot of women dressed as Rogue at Dragon*Con. And people took a lot of pictures of them.
  • It’s tough to look for “flash” and “zoom” on a photo site.
  • Wow! Incredible photo set! RT @liabrown1: Awesome collection of Rogues (and Flash) cosplayer photos.
  • LOST props at D23 featuring the Flash/Green Lantern comic (the one w/the polar bear).
  • SDCC pix have mostly taken over top 10 slots on my Flickr stats, but Wondercon’s Silk Spectre & Dr Manhattan are still #1
  • 9 shelving units of graphic novels, & they file Sandman & V for Vendetta under superheroes?



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Speed Reading: Sketches, EVS Interview & the Day the Flash Failed!

Some artist & Bronze Age linkblogging for the weekend…

CBR interviews Ethan Van Sciver on Flash: Rebirth and Blackest Night.

Chris Samnee posts a great sketch of the Flash.

New Flash artist Francis Manapul has been posting more convention sketches, including the Fastest Man Alive.

DC Comics 40 Years Ago looks at Flash #192: The Day Flash Failed!

Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-09-06

  • RT @karlkerschl: Wed. Comics is finished! Drawn, scripted & delivered. It's as though a million tiny black holes have opened up in my heart.
  • CBR & Mark Waid talk about “technology advancing faster than Velocity on a caffeine high”
  • RT @lol_spam: Spam subject: “Mass geek suicide” – Must be reaction to the Disney/Marvel deal.
  • The term “maxiseries” needs to die. “Miniseries” does just fine for a book with a planned 12-issue run.
  • Weird comics news of the day! RT @Robot6: Taxi explodes outside DC Comics offices.
  • Some comics fans for #followfriday @SpeedsterSite @johannadc @collecteditions @onceuponageek @TheNerdyBird @RokkKrinn
  • RT @lol_spam: Spam subject: “Grow Giant Snake in Pants” Someone didn't read the Evil Overlord List. Turning into a giant snake never helps.
  • Android market has a comics category now! Sadly, it doesn’t have any comics, just novelties like canned applause.
  • There ARE comics on the Android Market – just not in the Comics category!

Website Stuff

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Speed Reading: Misney, Sergio, Lex & Planetary

And some non-Flash linkblogging to round out the week!

There’s a million pieces of Marvel/Disney fan art by now, but these posts collect some good ones:

This next one is Flash-related, but seems to fit well with the Disney mash-ups: it’s a sketch Livesay shared of Donald Duck and the Flash, by Don Rosa.

Die Kal-El Die! chronicles building Lex Luthor’s power suit for this year’s Comic-Con International.

The Ventura County Star profiles artist Sergio Aragonés (Mad Magazine, Groo the Wanderer, etc.) (via Robot6).

WildStorm has posted a preview of Planetary #27, the long-awaited epilogue to the Warren Ellis/John Cassaday series that will finally arrive next month! The Hallelujah Chorus ran through my head when I saw this. And it gets better: They’ve got wallpaper and icons.

The Weekly Crisis recommends comics to read after Fables and Y: The Last Man.

LOL_SpamFinally, I’ve got another project called LOL_Spam. In a nutshell: a couple of times a day I post a funny spam subject line, usually with snarky commentary. If that sounds amusing, please check it out!

Oh, yeah, one more thing: I’ve added a bit to this morning’s Classic Flash round-up.