Tag Archives: Geoff Johns

Geoff Johns Spotlight at Comic-Con

2:21:11 PM: Geoff Johns & Scott Kolins are doing Blackest Night: Flash!

2:30:02 PM: “Black Lantern Billy Mays here.”

2:31:53 PM: Barry’s back for good. BN: Flash stars Barry, Wally & lots of dead Rogues. BN takes place after Rebirth

2:32:39 PM: Dex-star vs Krypto!

2:34:27 PM: How Geoff would write Batman: “I’d probably just give him a yellow ring”

2:36:21 PM: Geoff “not leaving Green Lantern anytime soon.”

2:38:53 PM: Fan: Kyle as artist good focus for GL power, so why Hal? GJ: Focus is on overcoming fear

2:39:54 PM: Cruddy twitter connection might inspire arrival of a red ring… grrr…

2:42:04 PM: Geoff on Blackest Night: of COURSE it’s violent! The dead are rising from their graves!

2:43:05 PM: Trade-waiter avoiding Blackest Night spoilers. Geoff: “Wrong panel”

2:48:18 PM: Re: movies, Geoff is concentrating on Flash right now

2:49:46 PM: Geoff on internships: most stress was lunch-got chewed out once by exec for not remembering mango salsa.

3:01:11 PM: Great story abt trashing Richard Donner’s car SPECTACULARLY as an intern! Geoff Johns

3:02:40 PM: Fan asked abt Kid Flash or expander Flash ongoings…Geoff almost answered but Eddie Berganza stopped him. “8-ball is in your favor”

3:07:42 PM: Make Flash appealing to wider audience: everyone’s caught up in speed these days. Build on that.

3:10:55 PM: What’s going on w/ Barry will become clear in Flash:Rebirth #4-5

3:20:18 PM: Fan won $40 on a bet b/c Geoff couldn’t answer a spoilery question

3:21:17 PM: Oh, NOW the phone has a good signal, after I walk out of the room

3:22:06 PM: Oh, yeah, origin of Dex-star has been planned.

Geoff Johns Named Producer on Flash Movie

Flash: RebirthThe Hollywood Reporter has a run-down of upcoming DC movie adaptations.

This past fall, Warners quietly hired three of DC’s biggest writers — Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison and Marv Wolfman — to act as consultants and writers for its superhero line of movies. The move involved taking back the reins on projects being handled by such producers as Charles Roven (“The Flash”) and Akiva Goldsman (“Teen Titans”).

Hmm, remember how Grant Morrison couldn’t talk about a Flash movie? It goes on:

The moves have begun to pay off. Johns worked up a new treatment for a “Flash” script, being written by Dan Mazeau; Johns will act in a producer capacity on the project, which has not attached a director.

We’d heard rumors about the Dan Mazeau script before, but nothing official.

But a Geoff Johns story treatment — and producer credit? That should make a lot of Flash fans happy. Not only does Johns have a well-regarded and successful run on The Flash from the first half of this decade, he also has the high-profile Flash: Rebirth.

I wonder if we were all looking in the wrong direction. Maybe this is the Flash news that Geoff Johns was hinting at last week.

I wonder if this counts as a Cue Cullen moment?

(via Newsarama by way of @onceuponageek. More discussion at Major Spoilers, CBR, Slashfilm, Screen Rant, and MTV Splash Page.)

Speed Reading: Interviews and Flashbacks

Some Friday morning linkblogging…

Creator Interviews

Remember that interview with Carmine Infantino last week? The legendary artist was unhappy about how he was portrayed in the article, and has fired back a complaint at the interviewer. The Beat has the whole story.

CBR goes in-depth with Ethan Van Sciver, talking with the artist about everything from Cyberfrog and Impulse to Green Lantern: Rebirth, Blackest Night, and Flash: Rebirth.

The Half Hour Wasted podcast devotes its latest episode to Ethan Van Sciver. Despite the name, it’s actually over two hours long, and the artist talks about topics as varied as his recent trip to South Africa, balancing previews against spoilers (apparently none of the solicited covers for Flash: Rebirth issues 4-6 are the “real” cover — I’m guessing that the cover for #5 is mostly the same image, only with Professor Zoom instead of the Black Flash), redesigning Sinestro, and much, much more.

CBR presents the second monthly Geoff Johns Prime question-and-answer column.

Marc Guggenheim will attempt to re-imagine the campy Battlestar Galactica spin-off Galactica 1980 as a comic book.

Flashing Back

Comics in Crisis has Attack of the Cartoon Heroes part 2, including a Justice League clip.

Castle Vardulon presents: the amazing single-sentence continuity error from Flash v.1 #133.

Comics Should Be Good looks at DC’s June 1965 covers, including Flash v.1 #153, featuring Professor Zoom and the Mightiest Punch of All Time!

Silver Age Comics looks back on Neal Adams’ Brave and the Bold run, including his take on guest stars like the Flash.


A nifty series of superhero illustrations, with several nice Flash pieces in part 2.

Blog@Newsarama has an interesting idea: What if the JLA membership were chosen by DC’s sales rankings?

Geoff Johns: Flash News Coming Soon

With that single sentence on Comic Bloc, Flash: Rebirth writer Geoff Johns touched off a flood of speculation. DC has been very quiet about the post-Rebirth plans for the scarlet speedster, though it seems obvious they plan at least one new ongoing series (if not more).

Of course, Comic-Con International is next week, and chances are excellent that the news will be announced at next Friday’s DC Nation panel. It was at that panel last year that DC announced Flash: Rebirth in an almost offhand way: Dan Didio introduced Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver as working on “Barry Allen: Rebirth.”

Speculation at Comic Bloc has turned to an unspecified Geoff Johns/Gary Frank project coming up after Superman: Secret Origin and to a mysterious “Top Secret Forum” that has just appeared in the Geoff Johns section of the site. The forum is likely related to something else, as Comic Bloc has a history of combining related topics: The Flash topic was retitled as Flash: Rebirth, Green Lantern is now Blackest Night/Green Lantern, and so on.

My guess: At DC Nation, Dan Didio will announce the creative team and start date for the new Flash ongoing with Barry Allen and for the Flash: Blackest Night miniseries. It would be great if they’re planning a second ongoing, but even if they are, I don’t think we’ll get one right away. More likely a miniseries showcasing Wally West, or a second feature featuring Bart Allen as Kid Flash.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I plan to attend the DC Nation panel next week, and will probably be live-tweeting it (or at least the Flash-relevant bits) at @SpeedForceOrg. If all goes well, those posts should also get imported to a live blog entry here on Speed Force.

Speed Reading: Infantino, Fan Films, Johns at Meltdown & Isotope, and EVS

Some linkblogging for the weekend:

Two Artists and a Writer

NYC Graphic Novelists has an interview with Carmine Infantino. He talks about growing up in the depression, breaking into the fledgling comic industry, building the Silver Age, and his tenure as editor at DC. Update: There’s been some fallout from this interview, with Infantino feeling he was misrepresented.

Geoff Johns will appear at a Blackest Night launch party at Meltdown Comics in Los Angeles on Tuesday, July 14. Update: The Tuesday event at Meltdown has been canceled. He will also be signing at Isotope Comics in San Francisco on Saturday, July 18.

The Green Lantern Spotlight Podcast has an interview with Ethan Van Sciver. It’s long at 99 minutes, but it’s worth a listen. He talks about everything from deadlines and inking to why he’s drawing Iris Allen younger to designs for Black Lanterns.


The Captain’s JLA Blog reviews “Speed Demons”, the Superman: The Animated Series episode that guest-starred the Flash and introduced the scarlet speedster to the DC Animated Universe.

The Flash-Back Podcast reviews The Return of Barry Allen.

Fan Creations

Flash endorses Green Lantern for Mayor! (via Robot6)

The Heretics Blog has a collection of fan films, including the Flash getting a speeding ticket.

Hal & Barry as Butch & Sundance

Newsarama’s Vaneta Rogers has an interview with Geoff Johns on…Everything related to Blackest Night. At one point he talks about writing Barry Allen and Hal Jordan.

The biggest surprise is how easy it is to write when Hal and Barry are together. These two know each other so well, and there’s such a strong tie to them…it’s like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. And something happens to Hal when he’s with Barry. It happens to me when I hang out with my friend, Matt. He’s so organized and punctual that a little part of my brain shuts off. I don’t need to worry about the time or where we’re going. I feel like that happens to Hal when he’s around Barry. Hal goes with the flow a little more, while Barry’s taking up the slack of figuring out where to go. I have more Barry and Hal scenes written down because they just keep writing themselves. Introvert and extrovert. Saint and sinner. Time and space.

The “saint and sinner” characterization has actually been brought out in the text of Flash: Rebirth, and he’s talked before about the Flashes being connected to time in the way Green Lanterns are connected to space.

As I recall, though, Butch and Sundance’s partnership didn’t end very well…

Another bit I found interesting was where Johns talks about background characters.

There are Black Lanterns in the background, and if you know who they are, that’s fun, but it’s not always important to this story. It’s like, who is Dengar in Empire Strikes Back? He’s a bounty hunter in the background, and you don’t go, “You know what? I can’t figure this movie out because I don’t know who that guy is! I’m outta here!”

I think that’s a good comparison, because some comics fans actually do that! Maybe it’s just being detail-oriented. Or maybe it’s a consequence of the way that reading comics, for many fans, is not a matter of just following individual stories, but following a universe. Continuity over everything. So fans expect to recognize everyone, and find it confusing when they don’t.

Any other thoughts as to why that might be?