Category Archives: Fun

SDCC 2015 Flash Exclusive Collectible Round-Up!

Comic Con logo

Hey Speed Readers,

With San Diego Comic-Con finally upon us, we at Speed Force figured it would be a good idea to give you all a quick heads up about what to expect and to look for if you are fortunate enough to be heading to San Diego this weekend.

First off I have to say that it looks like Funko is definitely vying for the title of most convention exclusives ever! From a list of at least 50 Funko products available this year, we are coming away with 2 Flash-related exclusives.

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Free Fall In Scarlet or You Will Believe A Flash Can Fall! (Skydiving 04/27/2015)

“Free Fall In Scarlet” or “You Will Believe A Flash Can Fall!”

Hey Speed Readers/Viewers

So a few weeks back I celebrated my 30th birthday and to mark the special occasion I decided to try my hand at skydiving. Of course being Flash Johnson I couldn’t simply jump out of a plane…I had to do it in style! So to that end I decided to rock my brand new, CW Flash suit 2.0, with my favorite
Flashy footwear, my Adidas Wings 2.0. I figured they were more than appropriate for what I was doing and I didn’t want to ruin my slick new Flash boots.

Why skydiving? Well, after reading the William Messner-Loebs penned The Flash v2 #54, “Nobody Dies” (aka “Free Fall in Scarlet!”) many, many years ago I got it in my head that I needed to jump out of a plane in a frackin’ Flash suit.

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Frozen Impulse

Anna from Frozen: Impulse costume design

I finally found this picture again so I could scan it: Costume design for Princess Anna of Arrendelle, aka Impulse.

Background: The four-year-old was watching Frozen for the 538th time, and I found myself thinking of Paul Hostetler’s Disney Princess Justice League from The Line is is Drawn.

Disney Princess Justice League

Watching Anna go from half-asleep to fully dressed and running around the castle in two seconds, I remarked, “You know, they should have made Anna the Flash instead of Rapunzel.”

Katie and I looked at each other, and she replied, “No…Impulse!” A few viewings later, she drew a costume design.

Results! Flash Favorites of 2014 and Anticipating Next Year

What were your favorite Flash comic and TV stories of the year? And what’s got you excited about next year? Vote in our 4-question poll, then come back here to discuss!

Update: The results are in! 113 people voted in the survey, and there were some pretty clear winners.


1. What was your favorite Flash TV episode of 2014?

“The Man in the Yellow Suit” won handily with 38% of the vote, followed by “Going Rogue” (Captain Cold) at 25% and “Flash vs. Arrow” at 17%. The Arrow part of the crossover was listed separately, and came in at 7%. No one voted for “Plastique.” People like their Reverse Flashes and Rogues. (Screencap from FlashTVNews.)

Barry vs Barry

2. What’s your favorite Flash comic book story from 2014?

The Future Flash storyline by Jensen/Venditti, Booth & Rapmund took a whopping 46% of the vote, followed by “History Lessons” (Flash #27-29), the Keystone Killer storyline by Buccellato and Zircher, at 19%. I listed the Mashup Gang story that ran in parallel to the Future Flash on its own, and it only came in at 7%, after a near-tie (one vote difference) between Season Zero’s story of Mr. Bliss’ circus and the updated origin story in Secret Origins #6.

Speed Force / Convergence: Wally West and the Twins

Which Flash comic book story are you most looking forward to in the first half of 2015?

A strong consensus on this one as well: 44% voted for Convergence: Speed Force featuring pre-Flashpoint Wally West and the twins. The next one down was the stranded Barry/Future Flash story playing out in the main book right now, at 19%, then the Convergence: Flash mini featuring a Bronze-Age Barry Allen at 16%. Sad to say, fully 8% of respondents chose “Don’t you mean, which story do I dread the least?”

Mark Hamill as the Trickster (1990)

4. Which confirmed guest stars are you most excited about for the second half of Flash: Season 1?

This one’s a lot more even: Coming into first place was the Trickster at 27%, followed by the return of the Reverse Flash at 22% and the debut of Heat Wave & Captain Cold at 20%. I wonder how much of the Trickster love is for the character, and how much is for the return of Mark Hamill?

In any case, we here at Speed Force hope you had a good 2014, and wish you a happy new year!

The Flash Drink Recipe

Way back in 2009, when Speed Force hit 500 posts, my wife invented a Flash drink to celebrate. With the Flash TV Show premiering tonight, and Flash TV Talk posting their drink ideas, it seemed like a good time to repost our recipe:

Flash drink

Recipe: Flash Drink

  • 4 oz Izze Pomegranate soda (or other red soda that goes well with cranberry)
  • 2 oz cranberry juice cocktail
  • 2 oz vodka (for non-alcoholic version, replace this with more cranberry juice)
  • 1 Lemon
  1. Peel zest from entire lemon in one long spiral with vegetable peeler.
  2. Cut jagged bits into lemon peel to give it a zig-zag or lightning bolt look.
  3. Cut lemon peel strip in half crosswise (use one half for each of two drinks).
  4. Mix all liquid ingredients cold and pour into glass.
  5. Place lemon peel decoratively in glass.

Ideally, you should have something else you can use the rest of the lemon for.
