Author Archives: Kelson

About Kelson

Kelson has been reading comics since he was eight, starting with DC and moving out toward indies. He started reading The Flash in 1987, and has since tracked down all of the Silver Age and more Golden Age Flash comics than he expected. He ran the fan reference site, Flash: Those Who Ride the Lightning for 15 years.

Oct 3, 2010:  Speed Reading: Art Round-Up
Oct 3, 2010:  Speed Reading
Oct 1, 2010:  Requiem For a Scarlet Speedster Airs Tonight
Oct 1, 2010:  Mark Sable Talks Teen Titans: Cold Case
Sep 29, 2010:  Flash Omnibus to Reprint Geoff Johns’ Wally West Run
Sep 29, 2010:  Read This Too: Astro City
Sep 28, 2010:  This Week: Flash Chronicles Vol.2
Sep 27, 2010:  No Ordinary Family Launches Tomorrow
Sep 25, 2010:  Berlanti Talks Flash Movie Influences
Sep 25, 2010:  Speed Reading
Sep 23, 2010:  More Flash and GL Cupcakes!
Sep 22, 2010:  Flash #5 Preview
Sep 21, 2010:  Review: Velocity #2 — “Decoys” Part 2
Sep 21, 2010:  Out This Week: Flash #5 and Velocity #2
Sep 20, 2010:  Release Date & Cover for Flash: The Dastardly Death of the Rogues
Sep 19, 2010:  Teen Titans vs. Captain Cold in December
Sep 19, 2010:  Speed Reading
Sep 18, 2010:  Flash #9 Solicitation & Cover
Sep 18, 2010:  Now THESE are Flash Cupcakes!
Sep 17, 2010:  Flash TV Show’s Joyce Hyser (Megan Lockhart) Appearing in Chicago
Sep 17, 2010:  Velocity #2 Preview
Sep 17, 2010:  Flash Cakes & GLO Balls from Hostess (Who Else?)
Sep 16, 2010:  Geoff Johns’ New Flash Villains
Sep 15, 2010:  Flash vs. Grodd in DC Universe Online
Sep 14, 2010:  Running a Speedster Ragged in Halcyon
Sep 13, 2010:  Fan Film: The Flash – The Brave and the Bold
Sep 12, 2010:  Speed Reading
Sep 9, 2010:  Flash Oddities: Homer and Rat-Bear
Sep 8, 2010:  Carmine Infantino Interview Book from TwoMorrows (With Preview)
Sep 7, 2010:  Andy Kubert Talks Flashpoint
Sep 7, 2010:  Francis Manapul Talks Flash & Beast Legends
Sep 7, 2010:  Guggenheim: Flash Movie Treatment Finished
Sep 7, 2010:  Weekend Updates: Zoom & Captain Boomerang
Sep 6, 2010:  Gone Fishin’
Sep 6, 2010:  Speed Reading
Sep 5, 2010:  Speed Reading: Comics and the Internet
Sep 5, 2010:  Speed Reading: BATB Video Clip, Young Justice, EVS on WildStorm & CyberFrog
Sep 4, 2010:  Baltimore Impulse Graduates to Kid Flash
Sep 1, 2010:  Dragon*Con Flash-Back
Sep 1, 2010:  Reader Survey Results: How Did You Discover Speed Force?
Aug 31, 2010:  Flash #6 Variant Cover by Ale Garza
Aug 31, 2010:  DC 75th Anniversary Soundtrack
Aug 30, 2010:  T-Shirt: Camera with Flash! (no longer available)
Aug 30, 2010:  Doin’ the Speedster Shuffle (Schedule Changes)
Aug 29, 2010:  Speed Reading: Boomerang, Barry & Iris, Bart, Sonic & More
Aug 28, 2010:  Flash Hints from Baltimore & Toronto: Flashpoint in Adventure, Secret Origin – UPDATED
Aug 27, 2010:  Flashes of the Multiverse
Aug 26, 2010:  EVS Draws JLA #50: JLA vs. the Crime Syndicate
Aug 24, 2010:  This Week: Jesse, Jay and Bart in JLA and Teen Titans (Plus Outrun, the Blur and Sonic)
Aug 23, 2010:  Flash in Batman: TBATB Comic